IR 适合任何场合的任何用户
Spectrum Two™ 突破了操作的简易性,将卓越的性能和低维护成本设计相结合。真实的实验室IR性能支持日常分析,适合任何场合的任何用户。
Spectrum Two 适合各类应用,可根据您的要求自行配置,满足日常IR分析需求。有关所有可用仪器选项,请参阅下方配置表。
Spectrum Two 光谱仪特征:
PerkinElmer意识到了各种应用的不同。因此,提出了适用任何应用类型的整套解决方案,处理速度极快,同时又确保了您的材料质量。Spectrum Two设计适用的行业应用包括:
对于此类特定应用,我们提供各种分析系统和应用程序包加载项。Spectrum Two设计用于一系列“即插即用”型采样配件,大大丰富了仪器的功能。我们提供一系列可与Spectrum Two搭配使用的配件,如UATR、HATR、漫反射和镜面反射配件等。
仪器自带的Spectrum 10™软件能够控制仪器,并对收集的光谱进行操作。光谱仪支持比率、单光束或干涉图模式下运作。
从材料、污染物识别到定量分析,全方位的Spectrum 10软件套件可让您专注于最重要的结果。FT-IR全面的软件包有利于数据收集、处理并生成结果,专为繁重的工业或学术实验室环境而设。未经科研培训的人员也能利用软件,为样品生成红外光谱,在几分钟甚至几秒钟内,根据参考光谱对其进行验证。对于有可靠IR质量测试需求的监管行业而言,我们还提供Spectrum 10 ES™软件。Spectrum 10 ES囊括了Spectrum 10的主要特征,包括用户访问控制、审计跟踪、数据安全和数据完整性,以确保可靠的分析满足21 CFR第11部分合规性的技术要求。
结构紧凑、坚实耐用的Spectrum Two设计,意味着仪器便于携带至各类环境。简单的用户安装和快速预热时间保证了仪器可快速设置。广泛的采样配件,让您的分析不止局限在实验室。Spectrum Two配有无线连接,以便启用便携PC控制等备选功能,或提供便携包,内含手提箱、电池组和12V汽车辅助端口适配器,可跟随您前往任何地方。
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
深度 | 30.0 cm |
检测器类型 | LiTaO3 |
高度 | 21.0 cm |
型号名称 | Spectrum Two FT-IR Spectrometer (LiTaO3 Detector) |
工作范围(-60to400) | 5 - 45 °C |
便携式 | Yes |
产品品牌名称 | Spectrum Two |
保修 | 1 year |
波长 | 8 |
波长范围 | 8,300 – 350 cm-1 |
重量 | 13.0 kg |
宽度 | 45.0 cm |
Detector Type | Windows | APV/AVI? | Software | Part Number |
LiTaO3 | KBr | No | Spectrum 10 | L160000A |
LiTaO3 | KBr | No | Spectrum 10 ES | L160000I |
LiTaO3 | KBr | Yes | Spectrum 10 | L160000B |
LiTaO3 | KBr | Yes | Spectrum 10 ES | L160000J |
LiTaO3 | ZnSe | No | Spectrum 10 | L160000C |
LiTaO3 | ZnSe | No | Spectrum 10 ES | L160000K |
LiTaO3 | ZnSe | Yes | Spectrum 10 | L160000D |
LiTaO3 | ZnSe | Yes | Spectrum 10 ES | L160000L |
Hydrocolloids are used in food applications to thicken and to stabilize formulations. In accordance with their origin and way of manufacturing, hydrocolloids can be classified in four different groups
The application note discusses the Automated Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Biodiesel Analysis using the PerkinElmer OilExpress 4 Platform. This advanced system automates the process of FAME biodiesel quantification in diesel blends, a critical requireme
The herbal medicinal effects of Chinese Material Medica (CMM) are believed to come from multicomponent not single compound, therefore quality control methods depending only on a few index components do not represent the holistic fingerprints of the sampl
Download this interactive brochure to see all our biofuel lab solutions and supporting services. Maximize your laboratory's prospects in biofuels production and testing with PerkinElmer’s analytical solutions that can help you achieve high product qualit
CASE chemicals, also known as CASE materials are important to all facets of global industrial and consumer product manufacturing. The CASE chemicals category are made up of coatings, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers, all of which provide performance,
Regulatory demands are rising not only for pharmaceutical but also for environmental, cosmetics and personal care, nutraceutical, food and chemical industries compelling them to dedicate significant time to ensure their instruments meet compliance standa
Coatings formulation and production can be as complicated as the product applications they are used for.
With our extended portfolio of cannabis testing products featuring best-in-class sample homogenization platforms, ICP-MS, LC/MS-MS, Headspace-GCMS, UHPLC and FTIR instruments and consumables, we help drive analytical best practices and operating procedur
Final product quality depends upon the correct type and quality of the raw materials used. A range of instrumentation can be used for raw materials ID, the most prominent being FTIR, typically in the mid- or near-IR spectral regions.
Recent supply chain issues have necessitated raw materials supplier changes, additional layers of materials testing and formulation pivots in order to keep up CASE materials and CASE chemicals production levels
在空前广泛的行业里,如此显著地提升人们对材料理解的一台实验室仪器,我们该如何形容?Spotlight™ 400让IR成像比以往更加迅速、高效和灵活。它是目前世界上效率最高的实验室FT-IR成像系统。
使用Spectrum Touch软件并在IR和NIR分析中预定义操作程序,可更充分地满足法规监管要求,降低错误率,及与股东高效地交流分析数据。
本产品说明介绍了来自PerkinElmer的软件产品 - TIBCO Spotfire,适用于IR仪器软件,强大的可视化界面可确保每次数据结果的质量和一致性。
聚合物的回收利用是一个蓬勃发展的行业,许多曾经被作为废弃物填埋的瓶子和容器现在被回收利用为新的产品。由于聚合物存在互不相容的趋势,鉴别聚合物是聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)或聚乙烯(PE)而不是聚碳酸酯(PC)或聚苯乙烯(PS),这样的问题很重要。聚合物的化学鉴别可通过使用Spectrum Two傅里叶变换红外光谱仪与通用全反射(UATR)附件实现。
大多数大麻提取过程,不论选择何种溶剂或仪器,都要经过一个脱羧步骤,从而从大麻素中除去羧酸官能团。PerkinElmer Spectrum Two带UATR附件,可简单、快速地测定大麻提取物中的大麻素浓度。FT-IR-ATR技术为脱羧反应的实时监测提供了一种解决方案。随着时间的推移,监测这种反应的能力将使大麻提取物制造商能够优化提取条件并识别工艺偏差。FT-IR-ATR技术只需要少量样本、零样本制备和最少的操作员培训。
IR光谱是在所需浓度水平测定苯含量的理想方法,这一测定有多种标准方法,所有方法均利用了约处于673 cm-1的独特C–H离面位移带宽。尽管它主要体现了苯的特征,但甲苯和二甲苯在此频率下仍存在一定的弱吸收,浓度偏高时会对结果造成干扰。
人们很少使用纯净的生物柴油 (B100),而是通常将其以5% v/v(B5)至30% v/v(B30)浓度与化石燃料混合。因此,检测柴油燃料混合物的FAME含量是质量控制以及混合和分配运营审核的重要方面。。由于酯碳基的存在,使得甲基酯脂肪酸(FAME)在1745cm-1段具有很强的红外吸收能力,因此,红外光谱是分析FAME的绝佳办法,且EN和ASTM®标准测试方法也对该流程进行了说明。
本应用报告描述了典型高分子样品红外光谱测试和解析的几种方式, 并将其应用于一些工业用高分子材料的识别。
全球日益强调发展可持续燃料供应,致使生物源燃料得到越来越广泛的应用。本报告的研究结果表明,Spectrum Two™ FT-IR光谱仪(图1)可用于建立定量分析方法,其灵敏度完全可以满足甲醇、水、C3-C5醇和汽油变性剂的检测要求,而且每个样品所需的分析时间不到2分钟。
该应用报告主要介绍利用近红外 (FT-NIR) 红外光谱仪测试多元醇样品,介绍样品整个测试过程,以及测试所使用的定量方法。
该应用文章阐述了如何使用PerkinElmer 带AssureID™和Spectrum 10™软件的Spectrum Two N™ FT-NIR 光谱仪鉴定西地那非、他达拉非和伐地那非片剂的真伪。
本文利用PerkinElmer Spectrum Two 红外光谱仪测试电子产业链用胶水的固化率,操作简单,无需前处理,不消耗化学试剂,环保安全。测试所需样品量小,基本无样品破坏性,适用于样品无损检测。
PerkinElmer 公司高性能的Spectrum Two 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,采用Dynascan 抗振干涉仪、OpticsGuard 专利防潮机制、AVI 标准校正、AVC 大气背景扣除等先进技术,保证光谱仪可以在各种环境条件下采集准确、稳定的光谱数据。尤其是OpticsGuard 技术,使仪器对环境湿度没有要求,使用者无需对干燥剂进行维护和更换,通常可以连续工作5 年以上,特别适合化工企业的实验室使用。
Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), alternatively called AUS 32 and marketed as AdBlue is a diesel fuel additive that is stored separately from the car’s fuel tank. To comply with Euro 6 regulations, diesel cars use a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) catalyst to inject AdBlue into the exhaust. When added ...
There are ongoing attempts to improve the storage stability of mRNA vaccines by converting them to solid forms using various drying methods. Lyophilization is one such method and has the potential to stabilize mRNA, but there are few reports that describe the interactions of lyophilized mRNA with ex ...
There are a wide variety of characterization techniques which may be used to identify drugs of abuse, including infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, x-ray diffractometry, immunoassays and urine dipstick tests. FT-IR spectroscopy provides one of the best s ...
Infrared spectroscopy is particularly suitable for the identification of materials, even when the differences between the materials are subtle variations in complex mixtures. In this note we demonstrate that biodiesel from several common feedstocks can be distinguished on the basis of absorption ban ...
Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) has been a material of key importance as an encapsulant of photovoltaic (PV) modules used in the solar energy industry. Given that the encapsulant has such a vital role in maintaining the function of the PV module, it is important to understand and characterize the vario ...
Paints and adhesives, although dissimilar materials with different purposes, have a commonality that they are typically liquid phase starting materials that end up as solid materials after a drying or curing period. Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) FTIR sampling methods are used extensively within ...
DEF is a colorless liquid which is beneficial in the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from diesel engines. The Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system injects the DEF through a catalyst, converting the harmful nitrogen oxides into nitrogen, water, and carbon dioxide. Problems can occur ...
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a commonly recycled plastic, notably from plastic drinking bottles. Recycled applications of HDPE are many and various including new packaging and textile fibres. But it is especially valued in automotive applications including fuel tanks, wiring, cables, pipes an ...
Packaging is defined as a means of providing protection, identification, and containment of a product during storage and transport until it is consumed. The pharmaceutical packaging industry has an estimated value of $68.7 billion, and when it comes to their packaging quality, it is essential that s ...
Application Note, Glycerol, diethylene glycol, DEG, Infrared Spectroscopy, Compare, Adulterant Screen, Spectrum 10, Spectrum 10 ES, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, IR, NIR, spectra of standards, pharmacopoeia standards, Spectrum Two, UATR, Diamond ATR
Biodiesel, also referred to as fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), is a renewable and biodegradable fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats as well as recycled cooking greases and oils. A quick and accurate test method is highly desirable as quality control for producers, blenders and distrib ...
Cyanoacrylate adhesives also known as ‘superglues’ are single-component reactive adhesives. They cure with the small amount of moisture on the surface of the components and very quickly bond on a variety of substances. FTIR spectroscopy is used extensively within the adhesives industry for research, ...
PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride), along with other polymers such as SBR and PTFE, is commonly used as a binder in the anode of lithium-ion batteries due to its electrochemical and chemical stability, and high adhesion to the current collector. Understanding both the chemical composition and thermal be ...
衰减全反射 (ATR)技术已在FT-IR光谱学中得到广泛运用,固态、液态样品无需制备,即可直接测量。该技术要求样品与晶体保持良好接触,晶体用于传输红外辐射,由高折射率材料制成。
Zinc selenide is a very useful material for infrared sampling optics, since it is transparent over most of the mid-infrared range, fairly hard and durable and resistant to water and most chemicals. Consequently it is widely used for attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and liquid transmission cells. ...
PerkinElmer’s hyphenated solutions couple two or more instruments to greatly increase the power of analyses and save precious time by acquiring more information from a single run. The TGA 8000™ and STA systems coupled with FT-IR, MS, and/or GC/MS instruments represent the industry’s most complete an ...
The needs for polymer, pharmaceutical, chemicals, food and beverage, and environmental analyses are constantly changing due to innovation demands and regulation changes. Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) solutions combine multiple analytical technologies to empower speed and advanced information acquisitio ...
This guide offers an overview of analyses required throughout the battery value chain - learn about innovative analytical solutions for testing every part of the battery, including the anode, cathode, binder, separator, and electrolyte. See the value in data generated from a variety of applications ...
随着可持续能源生产重要性的增加,全球可再生生物源燃料也得到了更广泛的使用。生物柴油是一种可再生燃料。其成分含甲基酯脂肪酸(FAME),由植物农作物酯化生成 - 通过分解的天然甘油三酯与甲醇反应并生成甘油和FAME。油菜籽、大豆、向日葵、棕榈和麻风树只是生产生物柴油常见原料的一部分。
For higher educational institutions to continue to attract the highest caliber of students it is critical to have up-to-date technologies accessible in teaching laboratories. Historically, operational budgets have been limited and with intermittent use, universities could not justify the purchase. H ...
聚合物市场充斥着大量工业产品制造商,有着多种不同的处理工艺,但仍面临着类似的挑战。 如为了实现产品高质量并降低成本,在竞争中领先一步,他们面临着越来越大的压力。
Download this poster for an all-in-one view of how PerkinElmer instrumentation can answer the analytical needs of the solar market. From R&D of nanomaterials and advanced materials to solar cell component testing including aging and defect analysis - our UV/Vis, DSC, TGA, FT-IR and ICP systems help ...
FAR, Field Application Report, Recycled Polyethylene Resin, Polypropylene Contamination, High-density polyethylene, HDPE, PP, PE, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FT-IR, Spectrum Two, ATR, Spectrum Quant
PerkinElmer为红外光谱打造的Spectrum™ 10 Enhanced Security (ES)软件平台提供了结构化要求和特征,以满足为确保数据完整性和合规性的需要。它能确保系统所有者遵守法规,并将功能纳入验证计划,以体现其合规性。本文的目的是体现Spectrum 10 ES如何如何满足 21 CFR第 11 部分的技术要求。
The specialty chemical category referred to as CASE – coatings, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers – are essential materials throughout industrial and consumer product manufacturing. CASE provide advanced functional characteristics – e.g. performance, protection, operation, strength, and durability ...
This white paper discusses what testing is required at each step in the polymer production lifecycle from R&D to manufacture to recycling. It explores the analytical technologies that will meet those testing needs, and important considerations to help you select the instrumentation that will provide ...