Spectrum Two N的设计极具灵活性,有即插即用的采样和分析附件,可以为多种样品的定性,定量和掺杂物分析提供最优质的解决方案。独特的Spectrum Touch™ 和Touch ES软件可提供简单直观的用户界面,无论您使用近红外进行何种特定样品分析,不管在实验室还是现场做样,Spectrum Two N都能提供卓越的性能和可靠性,是值得您信赖的高性能近红外分析解决方案。
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
深度 | 30.0 cm |
检测器类型 | InGaAs |
高度 | 21.0 cm |
型号名称 | Spectrum Two N FT-NIR Spectrometer (InGaAs Detector) |
便携式 | Yes |
产品品牌名称 | Spectrum Two |
产品组 | 仪器 |
保修 | 1 year |
重量 | 13.0 kg |
宽度 | 45.0 cm |
Detector | Software | Part Number |
LiTaO3 | Spectrum 10 | L1390021 |
LiTaO3 | Spectrum 10 ES | L1390022 |
InGaAs | Spectrum 10 | L1390023 |
InGaAs | Spectrum 10 ES | L1390024 |
Download this interactive brochure to see all our biofuel lab solutions and supporting services. Maximize your laboratory's prospects in biofuels production and testing with PerkinElmer’s analytical solutions that can help you achieve high product qualit
Regulatory demands are rising not only for pharmaceutical but also for environmental, cosmetics and personal care, nutraceutical, food and chemical industries compelling them to dedicate significant time to ensure their instruments meet compliance standa
With our extended portfolio of cannabis testing products featuring best-in-class sample homogenization platforms, ICP-MS, LC/MS-MS, Headspace-GCMS, UHPLC and FTIR instruments and consumables, we help drive analytical best practices and operating procedur
Download this Flyer for an overview of PerkinElmer's analytical solutions for the Semiconductor industry. This 2-page flyer outlines semiconductor and microelectronic workflows and applications, and the precise and reliable PerkinElmer solutions to address them - including instrumentation, consumabl ...
Product Certificate for the Spectrum Two N
PerkinElmer所提供的Adulterant Screen算法不仅保留了SIMCA等非靶向化学计量学方法的优势,而且通过潜在掺假成分光谱数据库获得了更高的灵敏度。通过简单的调整,该方法即可用于新产品类型或新掺假成分的筛查,不需要准备混合物样品建立校正模型。
由于测试过程的快速和无损,近红外(NIR)光谱是一种很有吸引力的粉末物质中掺杂物的筛查工具。 近红外光谱并不适合于检测成品中如此低含量的三聚氰胺,但是非常适合于筛查原材料。 相比于在成品中检测出三聚氰胺,如果在原材料中检测出三聚氰胺则更容易追查其来源。
在油炸过程中,棕榈油在高温、水和空气的作用下会发生一系列降解反应,导致油脂氧化,最终降低油脂质量,对消费者健康造成不利影响。可通过测定过氧化值(PV)来评估油中的氧化程度。一般来说,PV值越低,油的质量就越高,但腐败度高的油,其氧化程度高, 但PV值却可能会降低,这是由于过氧化物分解形成醛类和其他二次氧化产物。酸值(AV)测量有多少脂肪酸由于水解而从它们的母体分子中分离出来,这可能是过氧化物氧化的结果。
这项工作提供了一种现场、快速、低成本的精确测定大麻花有效成分的技术。FT-NIR光谱提供了有关大麻花化学成分的丰富信息。当与化学计量学相结合时,FT-NIR提供了无与伦比的速度和简单性,这是传统技术无法比拟的。采用PerkinElmer Spectrum Two NIR近红外反射模块(NIRM)对干大麻花中总THC和总CBD进行了定量分析。直接在种植地使用FT-NIR将降低栽培者的总体研发成本。
This application note presents a method for determining oil content, alpha acids, and beta acids in oil-enriched CO2 hop extracts using FT-NIR spectroscopy combined with machine learning. Traditionally, these measurements have required hazardous chemicals and time-consuming procedures. The study int ...
The exact number of counterfeit medicines produced/consumed each year is difficult to determine due to the usually illegitimate methods by which they are distributed. However, the scale of the problem can be represented by the fact that 20 million pills, bottles, and sachets of counterfeit medicines ...
Infrared (IR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy are fast, easy-to-use techniques with a history of being used for food applications such as those for measuring protein, moisture, and fat content. Food fraud and adulteration has become of particular concern to the industry over the past few years ...
This white paper discusses what testing is required at each step in the polymer production lifecycle from R&D to manufacture to recycling. It explores the analytical technologies that will meet those testing needs, and important considerations to help you select the instrumentation that will provide ...