PerkinElmer LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometers are designed to offer the highest performance and flexibility to analyze a wide range of sample types, including analysis of coatings, high performance glass, solar, and advanced materials and components in both research and manufacturing. The LAMBDA 1050+ meets and often exceeds industry standards for ultra-high performance, flexibility, and convenience. The latest generation of LAMBDA 1050+ spectrophotometers are designed to offer faster scan rates, instrument setup and better response times than ever before to maximize your productivity.
false falseThe high performance LAMBDA 1050+ offers unmatched flexibility by providing you the choice to configure systems to suit your needs. From selection of detectors to accessories that provide the most convenient and flexible approach to sampling than any other UV/Vis/NIR system available.
Better Sample Control
The LAMBDA 1050+ has been designed with a host of features and accessories to control your sample and ensure the quality of your data, including:
Smarter Flexibility
The smart modular design of LAMBDA 1050+ together with a range of snap-in accessories allow you to set up the instrument to suit a variety of needs and configurations, including:
Greater Productivity
Unleash the power of your LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer with UV WinLab software designed for operational simplicity and the power to address the most challenging analyses. Our Enhanced Security™ (ES) UV WinLab software is designed for busy pharmaceutical, manufacturing, industrial, food, or academic laboratories in regulated environments that require compliance with US FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations.
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
高度 | 30.0 cm |
接口 | Tungsten-halogen and Deuterium |
最高温度 | 35 °C |
最低温度 | 15 °C |
型号名称 | LAMBDA 1050+ |
工作范围(-60to400) | 175 - 3300 nm |
便携式 | No |
产品品牌名称 | LAMBDA |
研究领域 | Food & Agriculture |
保修 | 1 year |
This application note explores the measurement of Total Solar Reflectance (TSR), a critical factor in determining a material's ability to reflect solar radiation across the UV, visible, and infrared spectrum. TSR is vital in solar energy applications, in
CASE chemicals, also known as CASE materials are important to all facets of global industrial and consumer product manufacturing. The CASE chemicals category are made up of coatings, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers, all of which provide performance,
As we are becoming increasingly aware of negative environmental influences, global warming, and sustainable building practices, we are learning that new construction projects, building energy sources and materials choices can significantly improve energy
Join Dr. Valentina Paolucci, Senior Application Scientist at PerkinElmer, for an insightful on-demand webinar. Explore advanced UV/Vis analytical techniques using the LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer.
为了提高安全性、效率和功能性,人们对智能先进材料的需求正在迅速增长。了解各种样品的材料表征,对制造商和研究人员开发新产品而言至关重要,以确保产品性能符合严格的规管要求,且符合利益相关者的期望。当今市场,效率的重要性不言而喻!无论是各种玻璃(建筑领域、汽车行业、功能性或太阳能)的表征分析,还是光学薄膜、镀膜、半导体和其他前沿材料,新型LAMBDA™ 1050 +紫外/可见/近红外系统为高性能、灵活性和便捷性设立了标准,确保更快、更好的产品开发和业务增长。
LAMBDA 1050/950/850分光光度计不断试探着测试能力的极限,无论是用LAMBDA™ 950测量不同角度下镀膜的绝对反射率,还是用LAMBDA 850分析高吸收液体。如今有了LAMBDA 1050+,我们又进一步地突破了极限。
It’s clear, glass has a variety of uses, from practical to technological to decorative. In particular, float glass is widely used in architecture, automotive, transportation, photovoltaic, and solar industries. For glass testing labs around the world, we offer highly accurate and tailored solutions ...
LAMBDA™ 850+/1050+ 系列使用由两片不同材质的光楔固定在一起的Hanle 消偏器。第一片光楔由双折射天然石英制成,第二片用于校正光束的方向,由Suprasil 石英制成。
珀金埃尔默Torion T-9 便携式气质联用仪,总重量为14.5公斤,集快速低热质毛细管气相色谱和微型环状离子阱质谱于一体,快速、可 靠、易于操作。Torion T-9 便携气质为现场检测而设计,在快速检测挥发性和半挥发性有机化合物、爆炸物、化学危险品和有害物质、化学武器等方面应用广泛,效果非常理想。
The PerkinElmerUL270 integrating sphere is a unique accessory that allows new accuracy to be achieved in the measurement of light-diffusing materials and adequately solves the various measurement problems involved in measuring transmittance and reflectance of light redirecting and light-scattering s ...
The 150 mm Integrating Sphere is the recommended accessory for measurement of total solar reflectance and transmittance in the glass industry and for the measurement of UV transmittance of paints and films in the automotive industry. Many national laboratories use it in R&D studies and for calibrati ...
Download this Flyer for an overview of PerkinElmer's analytical solutions for the Semiconductor industry. This 2-page flyer outlines semiconductor and microelectronic workflows and applications, and the precise and reliable PerkinElmer solutions to address them - including instrumentation, consumabl ...
Product Certificate for the UV/VIS or UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometers, Models Lambda 850+, 1050+, 1050+2D and1050+3D with or without Total Absolute Measurement System (TAMS) accessory
LAMBDA 1050+是珀金埃尔默高性能紫外/可见/近红外双单色分光光度计系列的最新产品。该仪器采用多种最新的光学设计技术,包括全波长范围三探测器技术、高分辨率、高能量光学系统搭配低杂散光全息光栅、和用于增强近红外(NIR)性能的铟镓砷(InGaAs)采样模块
对于保健和护肤品行业,该方法也被认可用作划分人类皮肤对可见光响应的皮肤病学研究工具之一。Fitzpatrick标度是更早期的Von Luschan色度的现代化,后者使用36块不透明的玻璃片表征皮肤的颜色。图1所示为Von Luschan玻璃片描述的人类皮肤的颜色范围。Fitzpatrick标度将这些颜色划分为6种皮肤类型:白化、白色、淡棕色、地中海棕色、深棕色、黑色。
我们使用LAMBDA 950分光光度计及ARTA配件,评估了3M®可见镜膜在新型弯曲光伏组件方面的潜在应用。此应用下,3M®膜须将近红外光子透射给底部硅太阳能电池(完成电能的直接转换),同时反射部分光子至组件特定部位以便将其吸收,例如,反射至波长不定的热吸收器,用以驱动热力发动机。
在本技术文献中,我们使用新型的 Torion T-9 便携式气相色谱质谱系统来快速确定和表征红茶中的有机氯农药,测试结果表明全部分析时间不到 10 分钟。
本文中新型的便携式气相色谱 / 质谱仪(Torion®T-9, PerkinElmer Inc.,Shelton,CT)被用来快速筛查半挥 发性有机物(SVOCs),尤其特别的是分析水中的酚 类和邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的时间不到 10 分钟。
采用 Torion® T-9 便携式 GC/MS,以 Custodion® 固相微萃取(SPME)采样针,对土壤中 37 种 VOCs 进 行色谱分离和检测,仅需 3 分钟即可获得每种挥发性有机物的相对 含量。
滤光片有多种功能,包括色彩校正、改善光学系统中的色彩平衡,和定量减少透射光水平的中性密度滤光片等。从设计到生产阶段,各类滤光片的表征对设计验证和执行成品质量检验/质量保证而言至关重要。本应用文献强调了将珀金埃尔默® LAMBDA™ 1050产品用于分析特定滤光片的最佳方法。
Historical manuscripts are subject to deterioration due to aging processes under different storage and handling conditions. There can be physical, chemical and biological factors with different impact on papers and parchments or inks and dyes. Optical methods are preferred for the evaluation of hist ...
The application note details the optical characterization of plasmonic titanium nitride (TiN) nanohole arrays (NHAs) using angle-dependent reflectance spectroscopy. These NHAs, with varying TiN layer thicknesses (50 nm, 100 nm, and 150 nm), were fabricated to support plasmonic excitations for refrac ...
Building or Architectural glass products control the amount of light and heat entering a building, offering safety and security, insulation against noise, providing privacy, comfort and decoration. Building glass products can play a vital role in improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emission ...
Although smart phone usage has increased dramatically, many users are unaware of the proximity sensors used in their devices. The proximity sensor (infrared hole) is one of many possible biosensors and is usually identifiable as a black round hole located at the top of the mobile phone screen. These ...
Paint manufacturers are interested in the reflectivity of their products. This characteristic involves properties in both the visible region where color is important as well as extending into the Near Infrared (NIR) region where the properties of the paint with respect to solar radiation are importa ...
Lactate generation and quantification is a topic of increasing interest in cancer metabolic research and also one of the most often measured parameters during clinical exercise testing and performance testing of athletes. Lactate also has different regulatory functions for wound development dependin ...
本文介绍了使用Hellma®线性滤光片研究珀金埃尔默®高性能LAMBDA™仪器(LAMBDA 850、950和1050)测量光谱可见区域线性度的方法。
防晒霜可以吸收或者反射有害的紫外线,阻止其到达皮肤,从而达到保护皮肤的目的。暴露于阳光下时,使用防晒霜可以极大降低损伤皮肤细胞和产生皮肤癌的风险。在本研究中,使用珀金埃尔默® Lambda™ 1050+紫外/可见/近红外光谱仪和150mm积分球测量医用胶带基底上防晒霜的漫透射数据。使用胶带作为人类皮肤的模拟物测试防晒霜的防晒系数(SPF),比使用人类皮肤更加方便而且经济。
Download this poster for an all-in-one view of how PerkinElmer instrumentation can answer the analytical needs of the solar market. From R&D of nanomaterials and advanced materials to solar cell component testing including aging and defect analysis - our UV/Vis, DSC, TGA, FT-IR and ICP systems help ...
UV/Vis and UV/Vis/NIR spectroscopy are well established analytical techniques being effectively applied across a wide range of industries. High-performance UV/Vis spectroscopy has expanded into new applications, especially in the life sciences. At the same time, in traditional application areas such ...