我们的即插即用积分球模块是测量各类样品总反射率、漫反射率和漫透射率的行业标准。对于玻璃行业总日光反射率和透射率的测定,及汽车行业漆膜紫外线透射率的测定而言,建议使用150 mm积分球作为配件。许多国家实验室将其用于研发和校准测量。
1-14 的 14 产品与服务
The Powder Cell Sample Holder is an optional accessory for the 100 mm Integrating Spheres module. This holder allows for routine diffuse reflectance and diffuse transmittance measurements of powdered samples.
An optional accessory for the 100 mm Integrating Spheres module, the Reflectance Port Small Spot Kit includes apertures for 10, 5, and 3 mm beam sizes. This accessory requires the Sample Compartment Iris kit (L6020316).
An optional accessory for the 100 mm Integrating Spheres module, the Transmission Port Small Spot Kit includes apertures for 10, 5, and 3 mm beam sizes. Requires the Reflectance Aperture Kit (L6020314).
The Cuvette Holder is an optional accessory for the 100 mm Integrating Spheres module. This cell holder accommodates 100 mm cuvettes. This holder allows for routine diffuse reflectance and diffuse transmittance measurements of liquid samples.
The Communication Cable for the 50 mm Integrating Sphere connects the sphere's detector module to a LAMBDA 365 spectrometer, enabling communication between the instrument's software and the sphere.
The Small Spot Kits are used inside the 150 mm Integrating Spheres module to reduce the beam size to the transmittance, center mount and diffuse reflectance positions.
The Cuvette Sample Holder accommodates 1 cm cuvettes for transmission or reflectance mode measurements using the 150 mm Integrating Spheres. With this part number, this holder can be ordered as a replacement or spare holder.
The Upward-Looking 270 mm Integrating Spheres is a unique accessory enabling new accuracies to be achieved in the measurement of light-diffusing materials. It is compatible with the LAMBDA 950/1050/1050+ spectrometers.
The 60 mm PbS Integrating Spheres module is used for routine diffuse reflectance and diffuse transmittance measurements on a variety of materials. The module operates in double-beam mode. It is situated in the second sample compartment of LAMBDA spectrometers, leaving the primary sample compartment free for other accessories or samples.
The Clip Style Center-Mounted Sample Holder is best-suited for films and paper samples. The holder sits at the top of the 150 mm Integrating Spheres, allowing the sample to hang inside in the center of the sphere's sample compartment. The sphere is used with the LAMBDA 650/850/850+/90/1050/1050+ spectrometers.