System 2 Electrodeless Discharge Lamps (EDLs) provide the optimized spectral output needed to get the maximum performance from PerkinElmer® Atomic Absorption spectrometers.
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System 2 Electrodeless Discharge Lamp for the detection of elemental Cadmium (Cd). Note: PinAAcle™ instruments require the purchase of an EDL driver assembly, part number 03030997, for each of the lamp positions to be used.
Electrodeless Discharge Lamps for greater brightness (EDLs) are typically much brighter and, in some cases, provide better sensitivity than comparable HCLs. EDLs are preferred for certain volatile elements. They offer better precision and lower detection limits for analyses that are “noisy” due to weak hollow cathode emission.
Electrodeless Discharge Lamps (EDLs) are designed to be physically interchangeable with Intensitron Hollow Cathode Lamps. Their power supplies are built into all the PinAAcle™ series of atomic absorption spectrometers. Use of EDLs with those instruments requires only the purchase of an EDL driver assembly for each of the lamp positions to be used.
适配器类型 | System 2 EDL Coded |
元素 | Cadmium |
Number of Elements | Single |
外径 | 2 in |
型号兼容 | AAnalyst, PinAAcle |
产品品牌名称 | System 2 |
产品组 | Electrodeless Discharge Lamp (EDL) |
技术类型 | Atomic Absorption |
铅和镉等有毒元素正通过环境污染进入食物链。水稻作为亚洲消费最广泛的谷类粮食,能迅速从土壤中吸收铅、镉,从而通过饮食严重危害人类健康。这些有毒元素的含量需要仔细监测。亚洲国家,特别是我国,对铅、镉的限量有严格的规定;因此,开发一种简便、可靠的测定大米中痕量铅、镉的方法至关重要。欧盟和中国要求谷物中铅和镉的最高允许水平低于0.2mg/kg(欧盟委员会法规EC1881/2006和中国GB 2715-2016卫生标准)。石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GFAAS)是官方推荐的检测各种食品中微量元素的技术(GB/T 5009.15-2017,GB/T 5009.12-2017和EN 14083:2003)。食品样 ...
铅和镉是粮食中常见的污染物,毒性极强。铅对人体器官有害,即使是微量的铅,一旦在体内蓄积,就会抑制血红蛋白的形成和神经系统紊乱。镉甚至被列为人类致癌物[根据国际癌症研究机构的数据,1类致癌物] 。据报道,镉会导致严重的肾脏问题,这可能是致命的,也与脆性骨骼和肝脏问题有关。水稻作为亚洲/中国消费最广泛的谷类粮食,能迅速从土壤中的毒素、农药和肥料中吸收铅和镉,从而通过饮食危害数百万人的健康。因此,开发一种简便、可靠的检测水稻中铅、镉含量的方法显得尤为重要。根据中国国家标准《GB 2715-2016粮食卫生标准》,粮食中铅或镉的最大浓度必须低于0.2 mg/kg;欧盟的允许水平相同[EC 1881/2 ...
PerkinElmer offers a full range of single-element and multi-element hollow cathode lamps and high intensity electrodeless discharge lamps for those elements for which they are more effective. Every genuine PerkinElmer® lamp is designed for use with and tested on PerkinElmer spectrometers to assure c ...