For labs needing a high-performance furnace-only AA spectrometer, the PinAAcle 900Z is a longitudinal Zeeman furnace system with a true double-beam design for fast startup and exceptional long-term stability. In addition, it features cutting-edge fiber optics for improved detection limits and the TubeView™ color furnace camera for easier autosampler tip alignment and sample dispensing, as well as to monitor drying and pyrolysis during analysis for simpler method development.
The PinAAcle 900Z is controlled by Syngistix™ for AA, a workflow-based software designed to speed and simplify the journey from sample to results across a wide range of atomic absorption techniques. And for regulated labs, the Syngistix Enhanced Security™ option is available that fulfills their special needs, such as those operating under the rules of 21 CFR Part 11/EU Annex 11.
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
高度 | 64.0 cm |
型号名称 | PinAAcle 900Z AA Spectrometer |
便携式 | No |
产品品牌名称 | PinAAcle |
保修 | 1 Year |
重量 | 127.0 kg |
宽度 | 95.0 cm |
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Our atomic spectroscopy experts have complied a series of Atomic Spectroscopy Webinars to walk through the fundamentals and theory of AA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS analysis.
The PinAAcle ™ series of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers brings AA performance to new heights. Engineered with an array of exciting technological advances, it offers a variety of configurations and capabilities to deliver exactly the level of performance you need: Flame only, furnace only, or s ...
Grains, whether consumed whole or processed, have nutritional and functional requirements and must be safe for consumption, and the only way to ensure grain quality is through rigorous testing. That’s where PerkinElmer come in. Our easy-to-operate, integrated testing and analytical solutions encompa ...
Consumers are exposed to low levels of heavy metals on a daily basis and long term exposure can have negative health impacts. Since the elements themselves are distributed unevenly throughout, for example, cereal grain, with the germ and the outer layers having the highest concentrations, analyzing ...
PinAAcle 900T结合FIAS 400流动注射系统可以为水中砷、 硒和汞的分析提供准确和精确的数据。
PinAAcle 900 原子吸收光谱仪和FASTFlame2 的联用技术提高了分析的准确性、 快速性和生产率。
本文使用PinAAcle AA90T光谱仪可靠地、有效地分析饮用水样品镁、 铁、 铜、 锌、 钠和钙。宽范围的浓度使用FAST Flame 2附件最大限度的减少了用户在稀释和建立标准时的人为误差,并提高了样品检测量。
报告结果证明PinAAcle 900火焰原子吸收有能力来测定啤酒中元素,并有良好的精确度和准度。
这些结果验证表明,借助FAST Flame 2组件快速自动进样系统和PinAAcle火焰原子吸收法分析果汁里的多元素含量是切实可行的。
本文使用PerkinElmer®PinAAcle™ 900T来完成对矿物膳食补充剂中矿物质和金属元素的测定,以证明FAAS对这类样品检测的适用性。本实验测定了两个市售复合矿物片剂样品中的7种元素、一个NIST®标准参考物质,以及一个模拟混合食物膳食的市售参考物质。
本研究将介绍了一种直接分析血清中铝的简单方法。 该方法使用水溶液标准配置校准曲线, 使用纵向塞曼背景校正技术、 横向加热、 等温平台石墨炉技术, 样品用量少、 , 能够满足较大浓度范围的血清样品测试, 而且将实验人员与样品接触的几率降到了最低。
建立了采用PinAAcle 900T石墨炉原子吸收光谱法准确测定各种香料混合物中的铅、 镉和砷的完整方法。 结果表明, 经酸溶解微波消解后, 香料混合物中的砷, 镉和铅的GFAAS测定不受任何干扰。
本实验建立了使用微波-辅助样品消解系统消解样品,使用PinAAcle 900T原子吸收分光光度计,石墨炉原子吸收光谱法, 准确测定茶叶中的砷、 镉和铅的方法。 加标回收率和标准参考物的分析表明了方法的准确度, 检出限证明了方法的稳定性和精密度。
本文采用PinAAcle 900T在火焰模式下对混合香料中Co,Cu,Mn,Ni和Zn的准确测定方法进行了开发,样品采用微波消解后,PinAAcle 900T火焰原子吸收光谱法进行测定没有任何的干扰。
本文使用PinAAcle 900T原子吸收分光光度计以火焰原子吸收方式以及微波消解前处理方式准确测定香料混合物中的Co, Cu, Mn, Ni和Zn。
这项工作证明的能力快速火焰2样品自动化配件加上AAnalyst 400火焰原子吸收光谱仪快速、 准确地分析铜矿石样品中。
本文基于微波消解系统,使用标准加入法消除基体效应和纵向塞曼效应背景校正,石墨炉原子吸收法(AA600 或 AA800)适合于常规重金属的分析。
基于 Cr(Ⅲ)与噻吩甲酰三氟丙酮(TTA)生成的络合物在石墨炉中的挥发性,本文建立了一种前处理简单、灵敏度高的测定鸡蛋中六价铬的分析方法。
本文利用PinAAcle 900H 原子吸收光谱仪与Syngistix for AA 软件相结合,描述了一种测定水样品中超痕量铊的准确和可靠的样品富集方法。
采用 Perkinelmer 公司的 PinAAcle 900T AAS, 可对饮用水样中的 Cs 进行测定, 灵敏度高, 稳定性好, 加标回收率稳定。
For many years, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS) has been a reliable technique and the preferred method for this heavy metals analysis of tea leaves.
Precise and accurate measurements at the regulated levels are an important factor for assuring safe drinking water. U.S. EPA Method 200.91 is the method cited by EPA, Health Canada, and the WHO for the use of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). In evaluating a GFAAS system for d ...
Contamination of industrial and municipal water supplies with arsenic (As), selenium (Se), and mercury (Hg) can occur from natural deposits, industrial discharge, runoff from mining, landfill and agricultural operations.
《GB 31573-2015 无机化学工业污染物排放标准》中规定了,涉铊的无化合物工业企业排放废水中铊的限量值为0.005 mg/L。本文利用 PerkinElmer PinAAcle™ 900 AAS对碳酸锂生产企业的废水样品中的Tl含量进行测定。
The production of high-quality graphite components for atomic absorption spectroscopy requires stringent quality control. To ensure high quality and consistency, a specific high-density base graphite material has been developed for use with PerkinElmer graphite furnace systems.