Renewable Energy Research & Analytic Solutions | PerkinElmer
Renewable energy research solutions

Renewable Energy

PerkinElmer’s commitment to supporting sustainable innovation includes partnering with scientists and organizations focused on renewable energy. Whether your focus is solar, wind or hydropower, we have analytical workflow solutions to provide you with the critical information you need to successfully conduct your research and manage your analytical testing.

Renewable Energy Spotlight


Curing Determination of EVA for Solar Panel Application

This study shows that DSC can be used to study the curing degree of the EVA resin by measuring the residual curing enthalpy. The data show that the residual cur ...

Advanced Solutions for Solar Cells Poster

Download this poster for an all-in-one view of how PerkinElmer instrumentation can answer the analytical needs of the solar market. From R&D of nanomaterials an ...

Ultratrace Interference-Free Analysis of Solar-Grade Silicon Wafers by ELAN DRC II ICP-MS

A new, simple sample-preparation method which results in minimal contamination has been developed for the ultratrace interference-free analysis of solar-grade s ...

Reflectance Measurements of Materials Used in the Solar Industry

The primary goal of this technical note is to guide the user through the accessory selection process for different specular/ diffuse samples. This will be achie ...

Empowering Sustainability: Renewable Energy, Batteries and Energy Storage

PerkinElmer is empowering sustainability for a range of global industries including renewable energy, batteries and energy storage.

A Systems Perspective on Sustainable Energy Transitions

Dr. Rebecca Dodder of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development provides a system perspective on sustainable energy transitio ...

Polymers for Photovoltaics: Ensuring Module Reliability via Proper Material Testing

Dr. Gernot Oreski of the Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmBH, presented a talk at PerkinElmer’s Global Environmental Sciences Summit focused on his work with ...

Powered for the Future: Lithium-Ion Battery Analysis Solutions for Your Lab

In this 10 minute video, we outline many of the lithium-Ion battery R&D, analysis, and QA/QC challenges that occur in various battery research and manufacturing ...

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