Get the full levels of accuracy and sensitivity that your instruments are capable of. PerkinElmer cells ensure top optical performance, with high cell transmission and accurate pathlength. The cell windows are fused to the bodies by a special process that avoids deformation of the windows. This assures that the full width of the cell is usable and the finished cell dimensions are maintained.
We offer a wide range of cells and windows for all of your laboratory testing needs.
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1-25 of 76 Products & Services
The light trap aperture kit includes a black glass light trap and iris diaphram especially mounted for use with the General Purpose Optical Bench.
This Preassembled Sealed Liquid Cell is a rectangular cell with zinc selenide windows and has a 0.1 mm path length.
This Semi-Demountable Cell Spacer is a rectangular PTFE spacer with a path length of 1 mm. It is used with the Semi- Demountable Cell (L1270986). Qty. 3
The Universal Gas Cell Holder is required with Spectrum and Frontier accessories, such as the 10 cm Short-Path Demountable Gas Cells (51000634/51000636/51000638).
The Flowcell Window is made of zinc selenide. With this part number, it is available as a replacement or spare set. Qty. 2 windows
This Semi-Demountable Cell Spacer is a rectangular PTFE spacer with a path length of 0.5 mm. It is used with the Semi- Demountable Cell (L1270986). Qty. 3
This Semi-Demountable Cell Spacer is a rectangular PTFE spacer with a path length of 0.2 mm. It is used with the Semi- Demountable Cell (L1270986). Qty. 3
The ZnSe Semi-Demountable Cell Window comes as a set of rectangular windows, one drilled and one undrilled. These windows are made of zinc selenide and have a thickness of 2 mm.
This Semi-Demountable Cell Spacer is a rectangular PTFE spacer with a path length of 0.1 mm. It is used with the Semi- Demountable Cell (L1270986). Qty. 6
The NaCl Semi-Demountable Cell Window comes as a set of rectangular windows, one drilled and one undrilled. These windows are made of sodium chloride and have a thickness of 4 mm.
This Semi-Demountable Cell Spacer is a rectangular PTFE spacer with a path length of 0.05 mm. It is used with the Semi- Demountable Cell (L1270986). Qty. 6
The KRS-5 Demountable Cell Window is a set of rectangular windows (one drilled and one undrilled). Each window has a thickness of 2 mm and is made of thallium bromide-iodide. This material has a broad spectral range and a high refractive index that makes this window ideal for internal reflectance accessories.
Please Note: Thallium bromide-iodide is toxic and should not be polished.
The KBr Semi-Demountable Cell Windowcomes as a set of rectangular windows, one drilled and one undrilled. These windows are made of potassium bromide and have a thickness of 4 mm.
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