仪器的光路需要维护以保持干净及干燥。我的的干燥剂套装特别适合您的PerkinElmer FT-IR光谱仪,并将在未来六个月内保持高峰表现。若购买可再生干燥剂套装,则无需经常购买新的干燥剂套件。包含两个用于仪器的干燥剂金属罐,和两个替换装。
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Rechargeable Desiccant Kit comes with two desiccant cartridges. Rechargeable desiccant cartridges are contained in rigid metal cages which are user-installable. One cartridge is required for the 1000/RX/ BX and Paragon 500/1000/1600 instruments. The second cartridge is a spare. It is recommended to have spare desiccant cartridges available so when a desiccant change is required recharged desiccant can be installed immediately.