Accessories & consumables play an important role in FTIR analysis. Selection of the correct accessory speeds your analyses, increases repeatability of results and minimizes errors. We manufacture a host of high quality, easy-to-use accessories and partner with leading industry providers of branded IR accessories to provide a full range of compatible tools to extend the scope and capabilities of your FTIR instrument.
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This HTM Demountable Cell Kit comes with two zinc selenide windows, one drilled and one undrilled, that easily insert into the HTM Demountable Cell (L1390046), not included in this kit. These windows are recommended when working in humid environments or conditions.
The J-Stop Card Kit includes one J-Stop Card in each of the following sizes: 1 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm, and 8 cm. This kit is compatible with the Spectrum Two N spectrometer.
The Black Bristle Brush has nylon and pure black bristles with hard fiber composite wooden handles. It has a diameter of 9 mm. This brush comes standard in the NIRA Sampling Kit (L1240054).
The Wedged Oyster Cell consists of a top and bottom half. Each half has a ZnSe window. It has a path length of 100 µm. It is specially designed to work with the Pearl™ Liquid Analyzer (L6310250/L6310251) accessory.
The Pearl™ Liquid Analyzer by Specac is a high specification liquid transmission accessory designed for laboratory spectroscopic sample analysis in the Near and Mid-Infrared. The accessory contains Specac’s innovative Oyster Cell assembly which holds your sample in a horizontal plane. The design of the Pearl and Oyster Cell allows for fast and easy application of the sample and for cleaning between samples. This accessory is compatible with the Spectrum 3/Frontier spectrometers.
This window is made of potassium bromide, is 25 mm in diameter, and has a thickness of 4 mm.
The ZnSe Window Replacement Kit consists of one right-hand ZnSe window assembly and one left-hand ZnSe window assembly. With this part number, you can order this kit to replenish your supply of ZnSe windows. These windows are used with the Spectrum 2 spectrometers.
The KBr Window Kit for the Spectrum Two is a replacement window set for this spectrometer. The kit consists of a right-side window assembly and left-side window assembly. These windows are made of potassium bromide and can be used up to 300 °C.
The Tri-Corner Beaker is used with the Tablet Autosampler Accessory (L1280071). It is a three-cornered beaker made from clear polyproplyene and has a volume of 100 mL. Qty. 100
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