Designed to address the needs for remote control, simplified and sustainable operations of analytical laboratories, the PerkinElmer GC 2400™ System provides an innovative user experience with information on the go for effective and faster decision-making and advanced system capabilities for maximized productivity, thanks to reduced technology adoption costs and features supporting sustainability.
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The innovative PerkinElmer GC 2400™ Gas Chromatography System allows customers to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency. Designed to address modern analytical lab productivity, the GC 2400 System offers detachable touchscreen combined with smart sampling capabilities for faster decision making, in and outside the lab.
A new user interface collates and provides live status information on the different configured GC accessories like the PerkinElmer HS 2400™ M Headspace Sampler using a single display. Managed by PerkinElmer SimplicityChrom™ Chromatography Data System (CDS) Software, the GC 2400 System becomes integral part of a comprehensive GC workflow.
Whether the application is industrial, environmental, pharmaceutical or in food and beverage, the GC 2400 System can help labs exceed their productivity and performance goals, delivering accurate results.
PerkinElmer AS™ 2400 Liquid Sampler:
GC 2400 Detectors
The GC 2400 System can support up to three detectors plus mass spectrometer. Detectors can be easily interchanged, and they are self-configurable:
Polyacrylic acid, also known as Carbomer, is used extensively in formulations across many industries, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and personal care. Carbomers are polymers of acrylic acid cross-linked with allyl ethers of pentaerythritol or sucrose forming white, lightweight polymers that ...
Different types of plastics are used for these diverse applications, but all plastic manufacturing has a few common raw material needs, including monomers and solvents. Plastic manufacturing workflows are designed to use all monomer input in the formation of the plastic polymer, and to remove all so ...
Cetyl alcohol, also known as palmityl alcohol or 1-hexadecanol, is a long-chain aliphatic alcohol that is a common additive in foods, cosmetics, personal care products (e.g., lotions and creams), and industrial fuels. To ensure cetyl alcohol quality, the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) has outline ...
The analysis of triacylglycerols by gas chromatography (GC) in their native state is challenging, largely due to their poor volatility and thermal decomposition in hot injector ports. To improve their properties for GC and to provide a comprehensive characterization of fatty acids, the esterified fa ...
For more than 40 years, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has monitored semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC) in wastes, soils/sediments, and groundwater via its Method 8270. This method is extensive in scope, targeting chemicals found in petroleum/soot (e.g., polycyclic aromat ...
Organic solvents are commonly used in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and pharmaceutical products. The solvents are used for varying purposes including as synthesis reaction media, in the separation and purification of API during synthesis, to enhance yield, to impart desir ...
This application note shows the integration of the PerkinElmer GC 2400™ Platform in a Waters Empower CDS Software environment for the analysis of residual solvents Chapter USP 467. Results show improved productivity and lab time optimization. Instrument control and data analysis was managed by Water ...
When CASE chemicals like coatings and paints are formulated, pigments, binding agents, and additives are dissolved into a carrier solvent, often a volatile organic compound (VOC) or water. This solvent functions to lower the mixture’s viscosity, enabling it to coat a surface easily and evenly. Once ...
Biofuels continue to be of key importance to the energy sector as more renewable fuel solutions are developed to contribute to global climate goals and resolve energy shortages. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Biodiesel (B100) is a key component for blending with fossil-fuel diesel in portions of up ...
Sustainability strategies are being integrated into a growing number of businesses and their operations. Laboratories are no exception. Although the necessity to reduce the environmental impact of laboratory operations is recognized, it cannot be disengaged from the economic viability of labs. Rathe ...
Labs seek to increase the capacity of their equipment, improve turnaround times and maximize the sensitivity of their testing – without placing additional burden on their operators. Simplification is one of the strategies of Industry 4.0 for manufacturing processes. It can also be applied to laborat ...
Interest in the potential of smart technologies was high before the pandemic hit in 2020. That interest changed to a necessity when businesses were faced with the need for remote and automated operations in order to maintain business continuity. Businesses that have embraced smart operations are see ...
In this article read how fuels including biofuels have rigorous testing requirements that must be carefully followed to identify the presence of any contaminants and ensure operational efficiency for engines. It further outlines how maintaining fuel perf
Every day, analytical laboratories are challenged with balancing high productivity with efficient operations. And with the growing trend of hybrid work models, gas chromatography operators seek remote access to their GC – whether they’re working in a different part of the lab or at a completely diff ...
Download this interactive brochure to see all our biofuel lab solutions and supporting services. Maximize your laboratory's prospects in biofuels production and testing with PerkinElmer’s analytical solutions that can help you achieve high product qualit
Download this Flyer for an overview of PerkinElmer's analytical solutions for the Semiconductor industry. This 2-page flyer outlines semiconductor and microelectronic workflows and applications, and the precise and reliable PerkinElmer solutions to address them - including instrumentation, consumabl ...
PerkinElmer MS 2400 SQ System is designed around the cutting-edge Clarifi Detector. Engineered using the latest electron multiplier technology, the Clarifi Detector provides superior sensitivity (signal-to-noise) and the longest operational lifetime. Ions are efficiently converted into an electronic ...
The innovative PerkinElmer 2400 System allows customers to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency. Designed to address the growing productivity and throughput needs of analytical laboratories, the GC 2400 System features a detachable touchscreen, so you can make decisions faster and be more prod ...
The PerkinElmer MS 2400™ SQ Detector comes standard with SMARTsource™ (Simplified Maintenance And Removal Technology), GC/MS source easy to remove, clean and reassemble – without the need for tools. A simple twist of the SMARTsource allows users to completely remove the ion source and lenses of the ...
At the center of the GC 2400 Platform development was an understanding of current trends and a strong focus on productivity for pharmaceutical, food, environmental and industrial analyses.
A new way of production sustained by digitalization via smart and autonomous systems is what the Industry 4.0 concept entices. Laboratory managers are trying to decipher how they can implement the smart strategies of Industry 4.0 in their labs in order
The PerkinElmer GC 2400 Platform addresses sustainability in two ways: firstly, by optimizing the use of helium, secondly, by promoting the use of hydrogen, a less costly and renewable alternative to helium, addressing also safety concerns.
Platforms equipped with automation elements and software-driven workflows will be key to enable productivity and decrease downtime.
As we entered a time of remote/hybrid working, laboratories showed an increased interest in remote and automated operations.
Experience real time status updates, integrated HS and GC workflow, and enjoy intuitive software.
A new way of production sustained by digitalization via smart and autonomous systems is precisely what the Industry 4.0 concept entices.
With today’s hybrid work models, GC labs are concerned not only with identifying new ways of simplifying operations while maintaining high productivity, enabling environmental and economic sustainability, reducing technology adoption costs, adapting to r
As analytical workloads have increased, labs analyzing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in soils and water by purge and trap with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (P&T and GC/MS) according to EPA Method 8260 are facing challenges in maintaining...
As the demand for advanced energy storage solutions grows, the battery industry faces new challenges in materials innovation, manufacturing processes, and quality control. Dragonfly Energy Corp., a leading manufacturer of deep-cycle lithium-ion batteries
Today’s lab analysts and operators are increasingly digitally-savvy and are seeking state-of-the-art solutions that enable them to be more efficient.
Laboratories performing residual solvent analysis according to USP 467 strive to meet the requirements of the method while trying to optimize their workflow combining different analytical technologies and reduce laboratory costs.
This webinar explores multiple analytical solutions for biofuels testing at the three main stages of production, from feedstocks, to processing to finished fuel blend quality tests.
The potential of all solid-state battery (ASSB) technology to revolutionize the battery industry is resulting in new battery designs and material configuration solutions. These advancements will unlock chemistry limitations from traditional battery technologies and enable ASSBs to break through the ...