NexION 2200 ICP Mass Spectrometer | PerkinElmer
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NexION 2200 电感耦合等离子体质谱仪

NexION® 2200 ICP-MS依托ICP-MS 40年的创新历史,秉承着我们可靠、易于使用、低维护仪器的传统理念,可为开展痕量元素分析的分析测试实验室提供理想的性能、准确性和可重复性。


货号 N8170012
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NexION 2200 ICP-MS拥有独特的专有技术组合:

  • 三组四极杆:
    • 四极杆离子偏转器 (Q0)利用不同的电压将离子引导到通用池(Q1),最大化目标离子灵敏度,同时减少不必要的其他离子。
    • 四极杆通用池 (Q1) (Q1)具有碰撞或反应模式,配备三路池气体,并可实现池气体的在线混合。独特的四极杆池能通过动态带宽调谐,防止反应副产物对目标分析物造成干扰。
    • 四极杆质量分析器 (Q2,全尺寸,质量分辨率<0.7 amu)用作质量过滤器,将离子引导至检测器。
  • OmniRing™技术(专利申请中)的第二代三锥接口提供了前所未有的灵活性,能够高效处理各类应用,与其他商业ICP-MS系统不同,其可根据需要实现三种离子引导模式,而无需使用不同的插件或透镜。
  • 专有的智能电子稀释技术(EDR)将线性动态范围增加到1014,允许在一次分析运行中运行高浓度和低浓度分析物,从而减少重复,保护检测器。
  • 强大的全基体进样系统(AMS)允许在线稀释气体,提高效率并防止污染,提供高达200倍的稀释度,并能支持总溶解固体高达35%的样品。
  • 此外,创新型自激式射频发生器采用独特的LumiCoil™射频负载线圈(专为ICP-MS应用而设计),可提供精确的阻抗匹配,轻松处理棘手的基质和溶剂。这种革命性的组合提供了卓越的等离子功率和稳定性,从而实现了出众的性能、稳健性和可靠性。
  • 低维护,实现长的仪器正常运行时间:
    • 三锥接口与四极杆离子偏转器的组合,使其在接口锥之外的部分无需维护,可持续运行以提高稳定性。
    • 34 MHz自激式的射频发生器提供了“零故障”的用户体验——等离子体由独特的LumiCoil射频负载线圈产生,不必使用水或气体冷却,因此无需进行维护,也无需更换等离子体负载线圈。
  • 创新型LCD触摸屏使您能够执行关键的日常任务,包括硬件控制、结果审查、仪器参数诊断、运行分析、访问嵌入式培训视频等。
  • 外部状态LED灯可供用户轻松查看分析状态,优化实验室效率。
  • 控制ICP-MS的Syngistix™软件配备了现代、直观的用户界面,按照日常工作流程设计,实现从左到右的导航功能和精简的用户体验。


深度 72.0 cm
高度 73.0 cm
重量 150.0 kg
宽度 81.0 cm
  • 所有


Analysis of Ultra-Trace Elements in Semiconductor-Grade Organic Solvents with the NexION 2200 ICP-MS

During semiconductor fabrication, N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is typically used as a photoresist stripper, due to its low vapor pressure and relatively high boiling point (80 °C), which improves its efficiency in stripping off the photoresist.

Application Note
Analysis of Elemental Impurities in Semiconductor-Grade Hydrochloric Acid with the NexION 2200 ICP-MS

The RCA Standard Clean (SC), commonly referred to as SC-2 (Standard Clean 2) or HPM (Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture), is a mixture of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

Analysis of Metallic Impurities in Carbon Monoxide Gas by Gas Direct Injection - ICP-MS

In semiconductor fabrication, controlling impurities in specialty gases is critical, as otherwise it will lead to unwanted formation of deposits on the wafer surface, adversely affecting device performance and yield, and carbon monoxide (CO) is no except



NexION ICP-MS Series Universal Cell Technology – For the Next Generation of Analysis

Interferences in plasma-based spectroscopy are among the most challenging aspects of method development for ICP-MS analysis. When complex matrices are present, polyatomic and isobaric interferences can lead to inaccurate and inconsistent results.



Syngistix for ICP-MS Software for the NexION Series Instruments

Syngistix™ for ICP-MS software for the NexION® ICP-MS series instruments is designed with your workflow in mind to make it easy for you to set up and report your analyses, upleveling your experience.

NexION 2200 ICP-MS Animated Video

Enter the NexION® 2200 ICP-MS from PerkinElmer, your trusted partner in ICP-MS technology for four decades, delivering uncompromised performance, accuracy, and repeatability.

All Matrix Solution Feature on NexION ICP-MS Series Instruments

PerkinElmer’s All Matrix Solution, available on all NexION® ICP-MS instruments, allows online gas dilution of your samples, both improving efficiency and preventing contamination.



Plant-Based Food Revolution: Leveraging ICP-MS for Quality Assurance and Nutritional Insights

Join us for a webinar that delves into the crucial aspects of plant-based foods – their nutritional composition, safety, and the innovative technology that enables accurate analysis.

Semiconductor Specialty Gas Analysis using GDI-ICP-MS

In semiconductor fabrication, it is imperative to be able to control impurities in specialty gases, as otherwise they will lead to unwanted formation of deposits on the wafer surface



NexION 2200 ICP-MS - Nothing Interferes with Performance

Analytical testing labs like yours performing trace-elemental analysis with varied sample types and matrices need to deliver accurate, repeatable results, day in and day out. And that means an ICP-MS you can count on – one that’s easy to use and simple to maintain, for maximum uptime; that helps kee ...



GreenCT Cooling System – Keeping the Instrument and Planet Cool

The novel GreenCT™ cooling system is designed to provide a reliable, energy-efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly solution for cooling the NexION® 1100/2200 ICP-MS system, making it an ideal choice for laboratories looking to optimize their operations and lower operating costs, while reducing ...

PDF 906 KB
Syngistix for ICP-MS Software - Revving Up the User Experience

Syngistix™ for ICP-MS software for the NexION® ICP-MS instruments is designed to improve efficiencies in the laboratory. It features a refreshed user interface that conforms to your workflow, delivering a modern, streamlined experience based on familiar left-to-right navigation and a ribbon menu, wi ...

PDF 778 KB


Supporting Sustainability with the NexION ICP-MS Series

Today’s sustainable solutions are opening exciting new ways for businesses to fuel economic growth, while minimizing adverse impact on people and the planet. Laboratories are also working sustainability into their business plans to reduce downtime, waste, and costs – and in many cases, improve their ...

PDF 587 KB
NexION 2200 ICP-MS: Extract More Value from Your Geochem Operations

For mining laboratories conducting trace-elemental analyses, the new NexION® 2200 ICP-MS features unmatched interference removal capabilities, outstanding sensitivity, and superior matrix tolerance, providing a robust, yet easy-to-use solution that improves their profitability. It’s the ideal system ...

PDF 353 KB
NexION 2200 ICP-MS for Petrochem: Explore the Possibilities

Refinery production labs conducting trace-elemental analyses require exceptional uptime with a robust, easy-to-use platform. The NexION® 2200 ICP-MS is the ideal system for the analysis of distillate petroleum products, offering outstanding sensitivity and interference removal capabilities to meet A ...

PDF 357 KB
NexION 2200 ICP-MS: Helping Ensure Safe, Sustainable Water Supplies

Environmental laboratories conducting trace-elemental analyses of water need a robust instrument that requires as little maintenance as possible. For municipal labs running on a limited budget, or for commercial labs that aim to make the highest margins possible, their running cost per sample needs ...

PDF 376 KB


The Determination of Nutritional and Toxic Elements in Plant-Based Foods Using the NexION 2200 ICP-MS

While plant-based foods offer many benefits, they carry some challenges associated with their formulation, nutritional content, and safety. Nutritional and toxic elements need to be routinely monitored in incoming raw materials and finished product, ensuring accurate label claims and compliance with ...

Analysis of Petroleum Products According to ASTM Method D8110-17 Using the NexION 2200 ICP-MS

ASTM method D8110-17 “Standard Test Method for Elemental Analysis of Distillate Products by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)” describes a procedure for the determination of a few trace elements in light and middle distillate petroleum products using ICP-MS. Contaminants in feeds ...

Analysis of Trace Elements in Coastal Seawater Using the NexION 2200 ICP-MS

Coastal oceans house a wealth of marine life and serve as the primary source of global seafood production. However, with the increasing industrialization of both land and sea, coupled with rising global populations, there is growing concern over the contamination of coastal seawater by metals and me ...



Analysis of Several Challenging Elements in Petroleum Products Using the NexION 2200 ICP-MS

The elemental analysis of petroleum products presents some known challenges, like volatility of samples that can destabilize or even extinguish the plasma. Also, carbon may build up in the sample introduction system and deposit on the interface cones. Contaminations with common elements, such as sil ...

PDF 554 KB


All Matrix Solution System for NexION ICP-MS Platforms

PerkinElmer’s All Matrix Solution (AMS) system provides a number of benefits to simplify analysis of high-matrix samples with the NexION family of ICP-MS instruments. It allows online gas dilution, improving efficiency and preventing contamination, delivering up to 200x dilution and the ability to s ...

Advantages of a Novel Plasma Generator for the NexION 1000/2200/5000 ICP-MS Systems

Unlike other ICP-MS systems on the market that utilize conventional 40-MHz or 27-MHz commercially available generators which are typically customized and modified to work with ICP-MS instruments, the NexION® 1000/2200/5000 ICP-MS systems feature a 34-MHz frequency free-running RF generator, which wa ...

TotalQuant Analysis in NexION ICP Mass Spectrometers

TotalQuant, a software feature unique to PerkinElmer's NexION® ICP-MS systems, intelligently interprets the complete mass spectrum, providing semi-quantitative to quantitative results for all elements. TotalQuant and survey scan can provide supplementary and confirmatory information about unknown sa ...

Novel Interface for NexION 2200/5000 ICP-MS Systems – Innovative Design, Uncompromised Performance

The innovative design of the second-generation Triple Cone Interface with patent-pending OmniRing™ was developed for the NexION® 2200 and 5000 ICP-MS systems with both sensitivity and stability in mind. It builds on the Triple Cone Interface geometry of the NexION series and provides unique solution ...

PDF 706 KB




NexION 1100/2200 ICP-MS Preparing Your Lab

For laboratories that purchased a NexION® 1100/2200 ICP-MS system, this document provides information to assist in preparing your laboratory site for the instrument prior to delivery and installation. It is intended for laboratory and facility managers responsible for site planning and laboratory pr ...

NexION ICP-MS Series Consumables & Supplies Guide

Whether looking for sample introduction components or standards, we have the consumables you need to keep your NexION up and running smoothly and efficiently.

NexION ICP-MS Series - Superior Interference Removal, Accurate Results

Accurate, reproducible trace elemental analysis is essential to ensuring the quality and safety of our products and our environment, and the award-winning NexION® ICP-MS platform delivers that level of accuracy and repeatability through a host of unique features that provide superior interference re ...