Avio 550 Max ICP-OES特有的功能包括:
Avio 550 Max提供三种配置,您可以选择最适合您的应用程序的配置之一,这增加了灵活性。在Avio 550 Max中配置了Scott / Cross-Flow样品进样系统,适用于即使需要氢氟酸的大多数应用。
21 CFR Part 11兼容 | Yes |
深度 | 84.0 cm |
高度 | 87.0 cm |
型号名称 | Avio 550 Max Scott/Cross-Flow |
保修 | 1 Year |
重量 | 163.0 kg |
宽度 | 76.0 cm |
In recent years, transportation based on internal combustion engines using fossil fuels has been declining due to an increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs), which rely on two main power sources: secondary batteries and fuel cells.
Hemodialysis is a procedure that’s required when kidneys are damaged and cannot fully perform their function, during which blood is pumped from the body through a machine where it is cleaned and waste removed before returning the cleaned blood back to th
In the production of lithium-ion secondary batteries, additives are often incorporated into cathode materials to enhance battery performance.
In this article read how fuels including biofuels have rigorous testing requirements that must be carefully followed to identify the presence of any contaminants and ensure operational efficiency for engines. It further outlines how maintaining fuel perf
Download this interactive brochure to see all our biofuel lab solutions and supporting services. Maximize your laboratory's prospects in biofuels production and testing with PerkinElmer’s analytical solutions that can help you achieve high product qualit
Open this infographic for a simple and informative walk-through of an efficient lubricant testing lab - viewing the different PerkinElmer instrumentation you can install in your laboratory to achieve a smooth operation for all your major lubricant analys
We are supporting scientists as they work to solve the battery challenges that will drive the next phases of global economic advancement as the world pivots towards a renewable energy future.
Get behind the scenes at Colorado State University's Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture with Dr. Jacqueline Chaparro to discuss the use of the Avio Max™ 550 ICP-OES for concentrated elemental analysis, including calcium, potassium, pho
In this presentation we will discuss the use of the Avio® Max Series of ICP-OES systems and their ability to analyze discharge brines from desalination systems.
In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Ruth Merrifield, Senior Application Scientist at PerkinElmer, discusses the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analytical solutions required for successful detection of metal impurities in lithium powders.
Rob Hutchinson from Elemental Scientific Lasers, Inc. (ESI) and Ruth Merrifield, a field application scientist with PerkinElmer, present the challenges of rapid, accurate and cost-effective screening of Rare Earth Elements (REE) deposits, in which hundre
This webinar will discuss lithium, its demand and various applications in today's world. We will cover the lithium value stream, from discovery and extractions to refining and conversion, into specialized lithium for specific and diversified applications
With growing concerns about environmental sustainability, interest in biofuels and new energy sources is increasing. Biodiesel, a renewable fuel made from animal or plant fats, is one such option.
In this on-demand webinar, Shuli Cheng, Principal Application Scientist at PerkinElmer, discusses the accurate analysis of Li-ion battery materials and chemicals which are critical contributors to the safety and performance capabilities of battery end-pr
High performance alloys are important to the aerospace, industrial gas turbines, industrial and chemical processing, and automotive industries due to their temperature reliability, high-strength, light weight, and corrosion resistance.
Dr. Ruth Merrifield discusses the challenges faced in the refining process for elements used in the production of LEDs, semiconductors, solar applications, and rare earth permanent magnets.
Watch now to help you drive the development of more circular input structures by finding the best laboratory analysis solutions for material reclaim and reuse.
Rechargeable high-performance battery technology is enabling the large-scale e-mobility revolution.
In this on-demand webinar, Ryan Purcell-Joiner, Senior Application Scientist at PerkinElmer, discusses the direct analysis of common mining materials, like lithium-ion battery cathode by laser ablation ICP-OES.
In this on-demand webinar, Ryan Purcell-Joiner, Senior Application Scientist at PerkinElmer, discusses the future of the battery market and how QA/QC methods for battery producers are becoming more stringent, while productivity, performance, and value in
From the electronics we interact with daily and increasingly the vehicles we travel in, lithium-based batteries are required in greater quantities with higher quality control requirements.
In this virtual symposium, the series of webinars and resources are focused on important advances in mining market macrotrends, analytical testing techniques, and their applications.
满足Avio® Max系列– ICP-OES系统可以非常轻松地处理多项任务。无论工作负载或工作流程如何,您都可以利用Avio Max系列实现ICP的强大功能和较低维护成本的,并通过直观的、智能的软件以及较低的维护成本确保易用性。
下载交互式手册,了解有关Avio Max系列ICP-OES优势的更多信息。
As the world moves to embrace renewable energy sources and reduce our global CO2 emissions, it will also be more dependent than ever on better battery technology, powering the demands of industries such as automotive, energy storage, and portable consumer goods like power tools, computers, and phone ...
This brochure guides you through all our PerkinElmer analytical solutions for the automotive industry. From advanced polymers and rubber materials, to batteries, semiconductors, glass, fuels and lubricants. See how we can offer you fully-rounded laboratory solutions along the whole automotive value ...
Avio® 550和560 Max ICP全谱全读光谱仪,具有高灵敏度和卓越分辨率,可帮助您的实验室完成更多工作,处理最复杂的样品,充分利用您的资源。 Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES系统具有更高的性能和更快速的投资回报,满足您的需要。为用户开发的一系列智能功能、工作流程、智能监控和智能数据,再辅助以ICP软件Syngistix™,进一步优化该仪器的性能。
下载此产品说明,以了解有关Avio 550和560 Max全谱全读ICP-OES系统独特优势(以较低的成本实现较高通量)的更多信息。
Syngistix™ for ICP software boasts a number of smart features designed to optimize your workflows and the performance of the Avio® Max ICP-OES instruments – from initial instrument setup to final results – for consistent, efficient, reliable operation. Flexible and easy to use, these smart features ...
For labs conducting routine elemental analysis, simplified and streamlined workflows are critical to success. Syngistix™ for ICP software for the Avio® Max ICP-OES series is engineered with an assortment of smart features, streamlining analysis with only three clicks from sample to results! ...
The global need to develop new types of batteries is giving rise to a host of different analytical testing techniques needed to ensure the quality and safety of batteries and battery materials. Among the preferred testing techniques is inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OE ...
Download this useful flyer for a summary of how our instrumentation can test for safety, performance and composition of your advanced battery materials. Get an overview of solutions and their benefits in materials characterization techniques from FT-IR, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, DSC, TGA, GC-MS and hyphenate ...
Product Certificate for the Avio 500 and Avio 500 Max Series
随着电池新用途的出现,其使用量也正在迅速增长,进而促进了新的电池类型、相关技术和材料的发展。不同类型的电池中都包含一些常用元素,这包括锂、锰、镍、磷和锌等,这些元素的含量百分比范围从个位数到30%不等,具体取决于电池类型。 要想实现电池的最佳性能,就必须准确知道电池中主要元素的比例,任何偏差或电池中的杂质都会对电池性能产生负面影响。因此,必须对主要元素的含量进行高精度分析,同时测量杂质水平。 ICP-OES具有很高的精度,可以精确地测量电池中的杂质含量(精度到达µg / L级),并且对基质具有很高的耐受性,是满足以上需求的理想选择。这里展示了使用珀金埃尔默公司的Avio® 550 Max IC ...
随着COVID-19在全球大流行,越来越多的人使用口罩来限制病毒的传播,而最常用的口罩类型是3层一次性卫生口罩。与任何消费品一样,口罩中不能含有对佩戴它们的人有害的化学物质(包括金属)。现今尚无用于分析非医疗口罩中金属的特定方法,只有《ISO 18562-4:2017医疗保健应用中呼吸气体途径的生物相容性—第4部分:冷凝物中的可浸出液》可能是适用的,它讨论了样品和分析物的制备、提供了用于评估数据质量的方法。 本文介绍了如何制备样品和使用Avio® 550 Max ICP-OES对一次性非医用口罩中的金属含量进行分析,以符合ISO 18562-4:2017中定义的标准。Avio 550 Max是 ...
本文的重点是按U.S. EPA Method 200.7中提供的准则,对废水进行分析。美国环境保护署(EPA)推出了Method 200.7,用于通过ICP-OES测定水和废物中的金属及微量元素,目前版本为4.4.1修订版。该方法适用于各种样品类型,其中常见的一种应用即废水分析。
自实施USP <232> / <233>分析成品药中的元素杂质含量以来,制造商监控成品中的金属含量是否合规至关重要。本文介绍了使用珀金埃尔默公司的Avio® 550 Max全谱全读ICP-OES,如何通过USP <232> / <233>方法的1类和2A类元素的验证测试,同时使相关实验室符合21 CFR第11部分的要求。
伦敦金属交易所(LME)发布了针对不同金属的纯度规范。本文着重介绍了如何使用珀金埃尔默公司的Avio® 550 Max全谱全读ICP光谱仪(ICP-OES)来分析铅中的杂质,并参考“标准铅1的特殊合同规定”制备分析物及其所需浓度。
伦敦金属交易所(LME)发布了针对不同金属的纯度规范。本文着重介绍了如何使用珀金埃尔默公司的Avio® 550 Max全谱全读ICP光谱仪(ICP-OES)来分析镍中的杂质,并参考“原生镍的特殊合同规定”制备分析物及其所需浓度。
本文演示了如何在分析冶金样品时使用多组分光谱拟合(MSF)和Avio® 550 Max全谱全读ICP-OES来解决光谱干扰。
土壤和沉积物是地球基本的组成部分,在粮食安全中也具有重要作用。土壤中的元素对土壤质量有重要影响,并且与人类健康和环境保护密切相关。除植物生长所需的营养元素外,土壤中的某些其他微量元素也被认为是重金属,它们被植物的根部吸收,从而影响食品安全,并对人类健康造成潜在风险。 ICP-OES能够同时检测多种元素,具有高灵敏度和低检测限,在农业实验室中广泛用于土壤分析。这项技术已在许多用于废品和土壤元素分析的标准(例如美国EPA方法200.7,EN 13346:2000和中国标准HJ 781-2016)中进行了介绍。本文介绍了Avio®550 Max ICP-OES按照中国标准HJ 781-2016如何快 ...
金(Au)具有的特性:耐锈蚀和腐蚀、良好的导电能力以及易于塑形,是最贵重和最有用的金属之一。由于这些特性,黄金被广泛用于珠宝、艺术品、货币、电子产品、医学/牙科、航空航天和装饰材料。 金的价格与杂质含量高度相关,,但并非所有的产品都需要相同的纯度。为此,ASTM在“方法B562-95:高纯度黄金标准规范”中确定了金的各种纯度要求。 本文介绍了使用珀金埃尔默公司的Avio® 550 Max全谱全读ICP-OES,按照ASTM方法B562-95的定义,检测金中的杂质含量的方法。结果显示,其检测极限比规范极限低1-2个数量级,说明可以检测出更低的杂质水平。 ...
家畜作为食物来源(即饲养的牲畜)、人类宠物和服务性动物的重要性日益凸显,它们的健康也越来越重要。因此,有必要对动物饲料中的营养成分进行检测。营养物质以多种形式存在,包括生物、有机物、矿物质、金属和维生素,必须对这些物质精确计量以确保饲料满足动物的营养需求。鉴于该分析的重要性,研究人员已开发出多种标准化方法来确保营养分析的精确性。 饲料中的大多数矿物质和金属营养物的浓度较高,因此可以通过原子吸收(AA)、电感耦合等离子体光谱(ICP-OES)法或ICP质谱(ICP-MS)法对这些物质的含量进行测量。ICP-OES法可以很好地平衡简便性、耐用性、基质耐受性、准确性、样品通量和成本,是进行这些分析的 ...
Zircon is a mineral used in a wide range of industrial products, including refractory materials, ceramics, and enamelware, as well as electronic, functional, and structural ceramics, which are fundamental materials used in the electronics, aerospace, aviation, and nuclear industries. These applicati ...
With the growing concern about environmental sustainability, interest in biofuels and new energy continues to grow. One such renewable fuel is biodiesel, which can be made from any form of fat, whether from animals or plants. Converting fat (or feedstock) into biodiesel involves two major steps: pre ...
Inconel 718 (IN718, GH4169 specified in China) is an austenitic nickel-based superalloy, containing chromium, niobium and molybdenum as well as other trace elements. Due to its excellent strength, resistance to oxidation, corrosion and creep, and desirable fatigue properties at high temperatures, IN ...
Phosphorus is a crucial nutrient for plants, and its scarcity in soils significantly constrains crop productivity. However, a surplus of total phosphorus in a specific soil type does not guarantee an abundance of available phosphorus, as the nutrient might be inaccessible. Therefore, assessing avail ...
With climate change, access to fresh water is decreasing in many areas around the world. Combined with the continuing rise in global population, a shortage of potable water is imminent unless other sources of fresh water can be found. One way to increase amounts of potable water is through desalinat ...
As one of the key raw materials of lithium-ion (Li) batteries, ensuring the quality of lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) is key, where even small amounts of impurities in Li2CO3 can affect the characteristics of the battery. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is a widely use ...
Ethanol is an important blending component in fuels commonly used in gasoline/petrol. Because of its wide use, it is important to monitor the concentrations of impurities in the ethanol which can negatively impact the performance of the resulting fuel. As a result, standards have been created for th ...
To maintain healthy engines, both their lubricants and coolants need to be changed or monitored regularly. Lubricant analysis for additives and wear metals by ICP-OES is standardized and has been occurring for years. However, since the coolant system is the next biggest point of failure for engines, ...
Human exposure to arsenic (As) is primarily through consumption of food and beverages. Because of arsenic’s toxicity to humans, the World Health Organization has a recommended limit of 10 µg/L As in drinking water. Although arsenic determination in drinking water is primarily carried out by ICP-MS d ...
With the increasing use of lithium (Li) in a wide variety of products, especially for batteries, there is a growing demand for Li and its compounds. Li-containing geological materials must be characterized for both their major and minor components prior to processing. While the Li content is most im ...
With the growing adoption and use of lithium-ion batteries, the need to increase production has also risen. A major challenge of increasing production is acquiring the necessary raw materials, particularly elements common in cathode materials, and while these elements can be extracted from the earth ...
Cathode materials, such as LiNixMnyCo 1-x-yO2, are among the most promising materials for improving the performance of batteries. The performance and qualities of these materials can be greatly impacted by the ratio of Ni-Mn-Co and Li, as well as the impurities in the materials. The analysis of thes ...
Titanium (Ti) alloys are well-known superalloys due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent mechanical properties, corrosion and high temperature resistance and biocompatibility. In current national standards (e.g., ASTM E2371-13, China National Standard GB/T 4698 and industry standard HB ...
Reclaiming important metals from recycling spent batteries is a key source of elements vital to lithium batteries. One of the main reclamation processes for spent batteries involves shredding and incinerating the batteries, resulting in a product known as black mass, which contains the metals of int ...
ICP-OES的测量精度通常为1-2%(即相对标准偏差,RSD)。但是,有些应用需要更高的精度,例如,对贵金属、电池材料中的主要成分的分析以及对样品基质成分的验证。要在这些应用场景下实现高精度测量,一种简单的方法就是使用高精度ICP-OES(HP-ICP-OES),该功能仅在Avio® 550/560 Max系统上可用。
下载此技术说明,充分了解Avio 550/560 Max完全同步系统是否真正适用于您的高精度应用。
PerkinElmer专利的Flat Plate™平板等离子技术为ICP-OES提供了显著优势。
PerkinElmer Avio ICP-OES系列产品将垂直等离子炬管与完全双向观测相结合。
Avio® 550/560 Max ICP-OES的光学系统以独特的高性能固态检测器(分段阵列电荷耦合器件(SCD)检测器)为中心,基于中阶梯光栅的多色仪(旨在充分利用SCD的功能),具有出色的检测极限和谱线选择功能。结合珀金埃尔默公司的阶梯光栅(针对紫外线性能进行了优化)和自由光学曲面组件(施密特交叉分散器),Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES系统展示出卓越的光学通量、分辨率、检测限和谱线选择。
下载此技术说明,了解有关Avio 550/560 Max的光学系统和SCD检测器优势的更多信息。
ICP发射光谱仪使用了基线和干扰元素校正 (IEC)。
通用数据采集(UDA)是Avio® 550/560 Max ICP-OES中Syngistix™ 软件的专有功能,只需单击一下鼠标,即可实现对所有可用波长的同步采集。UDA不仅仅是准定量应用程序,它可以提供定量结果,而无需单独的分析模式,几乎不占用额外的存储空间,并且可以将其添加到在常规例行分析中。
下载此技术说明,了解有关仅在Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES上可用的通用数据采集功能的更多信息。
The Avio® 550 Max fully simultaneous ICP-OES is available with the choice of two standard sample introduction systems: Concentric/Cyclonic or Cross-Flow/Scott. When analyzing waters following U.S. EPA Method 200.7, the Concentric/Cyclonic sample introduction system is more commonly used due to its h ...
For labs conducting trace-elemental analyses, when presented with a completely unknown sample, creating a method to accurately analyze its elemental composition can be a daunting task. Determining which wavelengths work best for their target analytes or what calibration range is required can be a ca ...
ICP-OES is a rugged, robust technique capable of analyzing complex matrices containing percent levels of dissolved solids without the need for dilution. Nevertheless, to ensure accurate, robust analyses several challenges must be overcome. Two important obstacles are self-absorption by the plasma an ...
The analysis of organic solvents by ICP-OES can be challenging for several reasons: plasma stability, carbon deposition in the instrument (such as on the injector and torch), and complex spectral background from carbon. However, each of these challenges can be overcome with appropriate choices of sa ...
囊括了PerkinElmer Avio 200和500 ICP-OES仪器的所有耗材和物资。
This guide offers an overview of analyses required throughout the battery value chain - learn about innovative analytical solutions for testing every part of the battery, including the anode, cathode, binder, separator, and electrolyte. See the value in data generated from a variety of applications ...
Commercial soil testing laboratories and industrial agrochemicals manufacturers routinely test soil for nutrients to enable agriculturists and farmers to make informed decisions to improve crop yield with fertilizer formulation and application. At key times of the year, soil testing labs and chemica ...
Download this poster for an all-in-one view of how PerkinElmer instrumentation can answer the analytical needs of the solar market. From R&D of nanomaterials and advanced materials to solar cell component testing including aging and defect analysis - our UV/Vis, DSC, TGA, FT-IR and ICP systems help ...