FL 8500荧光分光光度计具有出色的准确度,即使在稀释或小样品量下也能获得正确的首次结果。快速扫描可提高样品通量并最大限度地提高您的检测效率。分析类型包括:材料表征、工业追踪和制造研发、农业和环境分析、以及LED、太阳能电池和有机电致发光材料等。 点击查看产品电子版交互手册,了解FL 8500如何满足您的需求。
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FL 8500荧光分光光度计使用连续波激发光源进行高灵敏度测量,扫描速度高达60,000 nm / min。
研究领域 | Food & Agriculture |
无论您寻找的是能完整呈现样品的高能脉冲氙灯源设备(FL 6500),或是用于测试稀释或少量样品的高敏感度光源设备(FL 8500),我们具有革命性意义的产品都能使您对速度和准确性的需求唾手可得。
无论您寻找的是能完整呈现样品的高能脉冲氙灯源设备(FL 6500),或是用于测试稀释或少量样品的高敏感度光源设备(FL 8500),我们具有革命性意义的产品都能使您对速度和准确性的需求唾手可得。
The FL 6500 and FL 8500 use interchangeable, plug-and-play accessories, intuitive software that mirrors your laboratory workflow, and support and services that validate your equipment and ensure standard compliance regulations are met.
无论您寻找的是能完整呈现样品的高能脉冲氙灯源设备(FL 6500),或是用于测试稀释或少量样品的高敏感度光源设备(FL 8500),我们具有革命性意义的产品都能使您对速度和准确性的需求唾手可得。
Today’s advanced and increasingly diverse Advanced Materials laboratories are facing new challenges on a daily basis – starting from raw materials right up to the finished product. PerkinElmer’s comprehensive portfolio of analytical solutions is designed to give you the higher accuracy, sensitivity, ...
Product Certificate for the FL 6500 and FL 8500
The US Pharmacopoeia method USP<853> (which is part of USP 40) gives some guidelines for measuring performance of fluorescence spectrometers. The Spectrum FL softwareused for the FL6500 and FL8500 has a validation module which can be used to test key...
Aluminium salts such as potassium aluminium sulphate, aluminium phosphate and aluminium oxyhydroxide have been extensively used as adjuvants in licensed vaccines. As active ingredients, quantification of aluminium salts in vaccine formulations is required during the manufacturing process. Determinat ...
Determination of nucleic acids is a common procedure in most molecular laboratories. Accurate and rapid method to quantify DNA is essential to obtain reliable outcomes. Fluorescence spectroscopy offers a simple yet highly sensitive technique to determine low amounts of DNA in solution (even in biolo ...
EXELEAD, a biopharmaceutical CMO, knew Data Integrity was an area of vital interest to the FDA during a recent on-site visit and wanted to make sure there were no shortcomings on their end as a part of an ongoing commitment to quality processes.
The FDA defines data integrity as “completeness, consistency, and accuracy of data. Complete, consistent, and accurate data should be attributable, legible, contemporaneously recorded, original or a true copy, and accurate (ALCOA)”. ALCOA itself has evolved to ALCOA Plus, which incorporates two of t ...