Controller for PerkinElmer Spotlight IR Imaging systems, featuring highly automated microscope control and IR image analysis functions. SpectrumIMAGETM seamlessly integrates all imaging and microscope functions, minimizing set-up time to provide extremely fast operation.
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SpectrumIMAGE software for Spotlight lets you easily see the most relevant areas of your samples – so you get the information you need with the least amount of time and effort. Defining the region of interest is simple using special interactive graphics in the software, with all stage movement under software control.
Key Features:
SpectrumIMAGE is built from the ground up to enhance data collection productivity. The 50 μ option makes it easy to collect rapid survey images and preview a large sample area, so you can determine what part of the image you want to see in higher resolution. Additionally, the Show Structure feature quickly enhances image contrast by automatically analyzing spectra and displaying chemical variations – in just seconds.
Multiple-sample image templates can be used to efficiently capture and store multiple images from a single button press. These predefined templates allow quick operation with tablet and powder accessories, and users can define, store, and recall custom sample templates. What’s more, you can set up multiple samples or sample areas and leave them to run overnight – unattended.
产品品牌名称 | SpectrumIMAGE |
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C2至C12挥发性有机臭氧前体化合物的分析,是对分析化学家提出的严苛技术挑战。大气中的低浓度,加上需要经常监测以评估日变化,这意味着在通过热解吸分析之前,需要经历样品的预浓缩步骤。虽然样品可以在现场收集并带回实验室,但远程、基于现场的分析可以减少数据周转时间,最大限度地减少样品采集硬件,允许VOCs的存在与否,与气相数据相关。在这一领域中,如对低分子量C2 VOCs进行低温冷却,它们可以被吸附在固体吸附剂上。