PC3x Peltier Cooled Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Avio 500 | PerkinElmer
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PC3x Peltier Cooled Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Avio 500

This PC3X Cooler, with temperature range of +2°C to -5°C, is for use with Avio® 500 ICP-OES series instruments. The PC3X for Avio® is a compact, Peltier-heated or cooled inlet system which incorporates the ESI cyclonic spray chamber. In cooling mode the PC3X cools the outer walls of the cyclonic spray chamber that operates at -10°C to +80°C, reducing the water or solvent vapor loading on the plasma, resulting in enhanced stability and performance. In heating mode, sensitivity can be improved for low flow rate applications.

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14881.34 USD
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Benefits and features:

  • Temperature control from -10 °C to +80 °C
  • Controlled directly through Syngistix
  • Thermal stabilization of spray chamber improves long-term stability
  • Last set temperature saved for stand-alone operation
  • Remote monitoring and control

The PC3X for cyclonic spray chambers is included in the NexION 2000 ICP-MS Core Configuration's Sample Introduction Kit (N8150035), the Productivity Configuration's Sample Introduction Kit (N8150036), and the Semi Configuration's Sample Introduction Kit (N8150037).


Product Compatibility Avio 500
Product Brand Name Peltier
Product Group Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers
Technology Type ICP-OES