Our robust LC/MS/MS PFAS testing solutions support lab efficiencies with increased uptime from reduced system contamination, even when dealing with complex matrices.
Typical one year’s supply of consumables for NexION® 1000 ICP-MS series instruments.
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This kit includes:
One-Piece Quartz Torch, 2.0 mm I.D. Injector - Blue/Purple Mark
List Price : USD1020.8900146484375
Consumables Kit for NexION 2000 Semiconductor Configuration
List Price : USD28237.30078125
Consumables Kit for NexION 2000 Productivity Configuration
List Price : USD11620.740234375
Consumables Kit for NexION 2000 Core Configuration
List Price : USD9980.7998046875
Consumables Kit for NexION 2000 Base Configuration
List Price : USD9394.330078125