MaxSignal® Chloramphenicol ELISA Kit | PerkinElmer
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MaxSignal® Chloramphenicol ELISA Kit

The MaxSignal® Chloramphenicol ELISA Kit is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of cloramphenicol in chicken, fish, and shrimp.

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648.42 USD
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  • Rapid (10 - 40 minutes) and cost-effective extraction methods
  • Quick ELISA assay (less than 2 hours regardless of number of samples)
  • High reproducibility

The MaxSignal® Melamine ELISA Kit is a competitive ELISA for the quantitative analysis of melamine. Melamine is a chemical used in a variety of industrial processes and can be found in food contact surfaces in processing plants, can coatings, dishware and other kitchenware. Melamine is also used illegally to increase the apparent protein content in food samples such as milk. Trace amounts of melamine can contaminate food by contact without causing health problems, however it is toxic at high levels. In 2010, WHO set the first global limits on permitted melamine levels in food. The 130 members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission set the threshold for melamine in food at 2.5 mg/kg (or 2.5 ppm) and the permitted level for infant formula milk was set at 1 mg/kg (or 1 ppm).

The MaxSignal® Melamine ELISA Kit enables international and government regulatory agencies, food manufacturers and processors, as well as quality assurance organizations, to detect melamine in food samples at concentrations as low as 0.2 ppm to satisfy customers' concerns about food safety.

This kit is manufactured to the international quality standard ISO 9001.

  • Detection Limit:
    • Beef: 55 ng/g or ppb
    • Chicken: 55 ng/g or ppb
    • Fish: 55 ng/g or ppb
    • Milk: 55 ng/g or ppb
    • Milk Powder: 90 ng/g or ppb
IFG Step by step test kits guide 2


Quantity in a Package Amount 96.0 Tests
Research Areas Food & Agriculture
Sample Type Chicken, Fish, Shrimp
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Complete Solutions for Meat and Poultry Analysis

Food companies operate in highly diverse and complex supply chains that are tightly regulated across the globe. You’re constantly challenged – from compliance with hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) and food safety plans to ensuring nutritional and compositional quality across your oper ...

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