The PerkinElmer LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System has been designed to increase laboratory productivity and throughput, even in the face of challenging budget and staffing situations. Paired with the intuitive SimplicityChrom™ Chromatography Data System (CDS) Software, our LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System are the ideal solution for labs seeking to maximize their liquid chromatography experience. The LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System offers superior performance and flexibility throughout its intelligent design:
型号名称 | LC 300 Analytical HPLC System |
Depth |
22 inches |
Weight |
183 pounds (single stack with one detector and standalone solvent organizer) or 260 pounds maximum (dual stack with external oven) |
Width |
13.5 inches maximum per component |
Best Practices for HPLC to UHPLC Method Transfer Converting a method from HPLC to UHPLC has a number of benefits, as outlined in the first 2 articles in our series, including faster analytical separations, better peak resolution and lower long-term costs
Download this interactive brochure to see all our biofuel lab solutions and supporting services. Maximize your laboratory's prospects in biofuels production and testing with PerkinElmer’s analytical solutions that can help you achieve high product qualit
With our extended portfolio of cannabis testing products featuring best-in-class sample homogenization platforms, ICP-MS, LC/MS-MS, Headspace-GCMS, UHPLC and FTIR instruments and consumables, we help drive analytical best practices and operating procedur
For laboratories focused on achieving high levels of efficiency, without compromise on productivity, the PerkinElmer LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC System offers performance and productivity even for the most challenging analytical demands. Discover more.
The foundation of great Chromatography starts with selecting the right column. Our LC column portfolio brings you new opportunities for full performance-boosting LC workflow solutions, ensuring that you have the optimum column for your application.
Watch our on-demand webinar to discover the difference that a focus on improving the user experience will have on your workflows and productivity.
This presentation is the first in a series that will introduce you to the highly useful analytical technique - High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS).
For laboratories looking to achieve the highest levels of versatility without compromising on productivity, the LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC Systems deliver the flexibility, performance, and efficiency you need for even the most challenging analytical demands. With fully customizable configurations and acc ...
Monitoring the consistency and quality in soft drinks is essential to ensure a positive brand image and a loyal customer base. Our full portfolio of chromatography solutions, including LC, GC and GC/MS, enables you to meet – and even exceed – your quality control goals with rapid, intuitive, and acc ...
For laboratories looking to achieve the highest levels of versatility without compromising on productivity, the LC 300 HPLC and UHPLC Systems deliver the flexibility, performance, and efficiency you need for even the most challenging analytical demands. With fully customizable configurations and acc ...
SimplicityChrom™ is a modern, intuitive and flexible CDS software platform that enables users to efficiently control their instrument, process data, and generate results. Pair this functionality with the peace of mind of 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and industry-leading service and support, and you’re ...
Download this Flyer for an overview of PerkinElmer's analytical solutions for the Semiconductor industry. This 2-page flyer outlines semiconductor and microelectronic workflows and applications, and the precise and reliable PerkinElmer solutions to address them - including instrumentation, consumabl ...
Beverage bottling plants must ensure raw materials and finished products are both consistent and safe, requiring a variety of quality control analytical testing. For the analysis of additives in syrups and/or finished products – whether sweeteners, preservatives or caffeine – PerkinElmer offers an i ...
枫糖浆是一种常见的天然甜味剂,世界各地家庭都经常食用。枫糖浆中糖分含量的量化对于满足产品标签要求和确保标签声明的准确性至关重要。虽然蔗糖是枫糖浆中的主要糖分,但对其他复杂碳水化合物(包括葡萄糖、果糖和麦芽糖)进行完整的鉴定和量化是必不可少的。在本应用说明中,提出了一种测定上述四种复合碳水化合物的有效方法。采用LC 300 HPLC系统,并利用亲水性相互作用色谱(HILIC)技术,随后通过LC 300示差折光(RI)检测器实现检测。
异黄酮是一种水溶性化合物,存在于许多植物和食物中。异黄酮被命名为植物雌激素,在结构上与雌性激素相似,并已被证明对人类健康有许多有益的影响,例如减少某些癌症的发生,以及改善胆固醇比率。然而,研究也表明,异黄酮的植物雌激素性质也会导致现有甲状腺疾病的恶化,因为内分泌系统受到干扰。因此,精确定量保健品中的异黄酮含量是至关重要的,以确保标签声明的准确性和消费者的安全。在本应用说明中,阐述了一种高效、可靠的测定六种常见异黄酮化合物的方法。该方法是根据美国药典关于膳食补充剂胶囊中大豆异黄酮的专著而开发的,采用PerkinElmer LC 300 UHPLC系统分离,并通过LC 300 PDA检测器检测化合 ...
准确定性和定量分析大麻素是将安全和高质量大麻花和强化产品推向市场的关键步骤。随着世界各地娱乐性大麻使用持续合法化,需要快速有效的液相色谱法测定大麻素含量,以满足监管和消费者的需求。本文介绍了16种常见大麻素的快速简便测定方法。利用带PDA检测器的PerkinElmer LC 300 HPLC系统,该方法可在7分钟内洗脱所有16种化合物,大多数分析物的定量限为0.15µg/mL。
乳糖是乳制品中的主要碳水化合物。在全球范围内,乳糖的分析尤其重要,因为许多人患有乳糖不耐受症。本项工作阐述了一种常规样品制备和定量分析马苏里拉乳清干酪和牛奶中乳糖的方法。由于乳糖可以水解或酶解产生单糖类葡萄糖和半乳糖,这两种糖可以色谱分离,但不能定量。这个方法使用带示差折光(RI)检测器的Altus™ HPLC 系统,特别适用于分析很少或没有紫外线吸收的分析物,如许多食糖。
Acrylate polymers are utilized for a host of applications due to their varied physical properties and ease of synthesis. These acrylates are sought after specifically for coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers (CASE) applications because of their stability, high heat resistance, excellent weat ...
Fats and oils are used in cooking as a frying medium or as an ingredient in baking. Autoxidation of lipids in the fats and oils proceeds as a free-radical chain reaction that leads to rancidity causing foul flavors and smells. Phenolic antioxidants may be added to fats and oils to prevent oxidation ...
Vitamins are involved in a variety of different physiological processes and must be assimilated with the daily nutrition as they cannot be synthesized within the human body. The biochemical functions of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are mainly linked to its antioxidant and radical scavenger properties. ...
Soft drink products serve as a major revenue stream for food and beverage manufacturers, with a global market size of USD 237 billion in 2021. Due to the popularity and wide consumption of these products, product consistency, which drives customer satisfaction, is of the utmost importance. For quali ...
Urea is a white, crystalline solid containing 46% nitrogen. Due to its high nitrogen content, urea is the most widely used source of nitrogen for nitrogen-based fertilizers worldwide. The accurate determination of urea in urea-based fertilizers is important for regulatory and product quality purpose ...
Parabens are utilized as an antimicrobial preservative in many commercial offerings including cosmetics, personal care products and foods, and offer both chemical and thermal stability to products. Although parabens increase the safety of products, recent studies have suggested that parabens may exh ...
The recent emergence of mRNA-based vaccines and therapies has made clear the need for reliable analytical methods that can successfully identify, characterize, and quantify mRNA. This chemical instability demands a deeper understanding of the mechanisms by which mRNA degrades, which can inform the d ...
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a substitute for sucrose in a wide variety of products, including baked goods, sauces, beverages, canned fruits and dairy products. HFCS is produced from regular corn syrup, with an enzymatic process that isomerizes some of the corn syrup's glucose into fructose. T ...
Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug in the phenyl triazine class used in the treatment of both epilepsy and as a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder. It is the first medication since lithium to be granted US FDA approval for maintenance treatment of bipolar type 1, and is approved for use in more ...
This Application Brief demonstrates the ability of PerkinElmer's LC 300 instrument platform, and SimplicityChrom™ chromatographic data system (CDS) software to successfully meet the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) performance requirements for the HPLC analysis of Triamcinolone Acetonide purity. ...
This Application Brief demonstrates the ability of PerkinElmer's LC 300 instrument platform, and SimplicityChrom™ chromatographic data system (CDS) software to successfully meet the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) performance requirements for the HPLC analysis of Triamcinolone Acetonide. ...
This Application Brief demonstrates the ability of PerkinElmer's LC 300 instrument platform, and SimplicityChrom™ chromatographic data system (CDS) software to successfully meet the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) performance requirements for the HPLC analysis of Risperidone impurities. ...
Risperidone is an antipsychotic medicine that works by changing the effects of chemicals in the brain. The methods for assessing Risperidone characteristics are described in the United States Pharmacopeia and rely on chromatographic techniques. In this application brief, we demonstrate the suitabili ...
Levetiracetam was approved for medical use in the United States in 1999 and is available as a generic medication. Levetiracetam is a novel anticonvulsant agent used as an adjunct medication to manage partial-onset, myoclonic, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures in patients with epilepsy. The Unite ...
The World Health Organization regards omeprazole among its ‘List of Essential Medicines’ which outlines the most effective and safest medicines required by a country's healthcare system to meet its needs. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) closely monitors the production of these drugs and provide ...
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds that can evaporate at ambient temperatures. They are emitted from certain solids or liquids and are prevalent in the environment. VOCs are present in homes and workplaces, originating from many sources, including household and industrial products, offi ...
Pregabalin is an anti-epileptic drug that works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. It can also be utilized to treat fibromyalgia, or nerve pain in people with diabetes, herpes zoster, or spinal cord injury owing to its ability to affect chemicals in the brain that send pain s ...
向UHPLC系统进样准确且可重复的样品体积并非易事,但对于确保高质量分析至关重要。LC 300自动进样器中配置的珀金埃尔默专利中心回路卸压(ILD)阀是一个转子密封处专门放置径向凹槽的7通阀,可确保准确和可重复样品体积的进样,同时也增加了分析中使用的色谱柱寿命。
There are many characteristics to consider when choosing a detector, therefore several detectors have been developed over time to address particular challenges. It is important to consider the chemical nature of the analytes of interest and any potential interferences, when choosing a detector. Addi ...