GemCone High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer | PerkinElmer
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GemCone High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer

This GemCone Nebulizer is for use with Avio® 200/500 and Optima® 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 ICP-OES series instruments. High solids GemCones are for samples with high dissolved solids (up to 20%). This Conespray nebulizer allows you to analyze samples with higher solids concentration than is possible with a Cross-Flow nebulizer.

货号 N0690670
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GemCone Nebulizers require an end cap (N0680343) for use with Scott Spray Chambers.

This GemCone Nebulizer is included in the Quick-Change Torch Module for HF Analysis for Optima® 4300V/5300V/7300V (N0770911).


型号兼容 Optima 5300 V, Avio 500, Optima 4x00 DV, Optima 2x00 DV, Avio 200, Optima 5x00 DV, Optima 7x00 DV, Optima 8x00, Optima 7300 V, Optima 4300 V
产品品牌名称 GemCone
产品组 Nebulizers
技术类型 ICP-OES