FN 1000是最新和最现代的Falling Number®仪器型号,提供了许多新的优点和改进的功能。这是一个双分析系统,适用于任何需要可靠分析和高容量分析。
false false
型号名称 | FN 1000 |
研究领域 | Food & Agriculture |
The Falling Number is the only validated instrument capable of running the World Wide Standard method for measuring alpha-amylase activity in flour and meals of wheat, durum, rye, barley, other grains and malted cereals.
Test functional and compositional properties of wheat so you know what to buy, how best to mill it and how the flour will perform at that bakery.
Validated worldwide industry standard and accepted method for detecting sprout damage in flour and meal of wheat, durum, rye, barley and other grains and malted cereals. Approved methods include: AACCI/No 56-81.03, ICC/No. 107/1, ISO/DIS 3093 and ASBC.