Environmental Hydrocarbons Cyclohexane Application Pack | PerkinElmer
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Environmental Hydrocarbons Cyclohexane Application Pack

The Environmental Hydrocarbons Cyclohexane Application Pack provides everything you need to measure hydrocarbon levels in water or soil and analyze samples according to a range of industry standards and methods, including extraction with cyclohexane. This pack is compatible with the Spectrum Two spectrometer.

货号 L1608007
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The Application Pack contains:

  • Two-port Leur Lock %T cell with CaF2 windows
  • Package of 3 spare 0.5 mm Teflon spacers for the %T cell
  • Two 2 mL Leur Lock syringes
  • Liquid cell Leur connected waste tubing
  • Environmental Hydrocarbons Touch Apps Software Kit

The Touch Apps Software Kit includes the software and SOPs to support routine measurement of oil and grease in water and soil samples by FT-IR spectroscopy. Spectrum Touch software provides a simplified, workflow-driven operating environment; for faster, more reproducible analyses.


产品组 Application Pack
技术类型 IR