Clarus 690 气相色谱仪专为需要增加分析周期时间的快节奏、高容量实验室设计,优化您的气相色谱分析,提供卓越的灵敏度、容量和处理量——可灵活处理更多问题。我们业界领先的解决方案包括顶空(HS)、手动和自动热解析(TD、ATD)和MultiPrep 自动采样器。
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当您的仪器运作,对最高吞吐量水平要求颇高时,请选择Clarus 690气相色谱仪。其获得专利的高性能炉,与业内其他产品相比,所需加热和冷却的时间最短,这意味着分析间隔的时间更短,每天得以运行更多的样品。此外,炉的双壁设计采用同心排气,可在近室温环境下,出色地完成冷却任务,无需借用液体致冷剂 —— 对VOCs的分析尤为重要。Clarus 690 GC还配备了宽幅火焰电离检测器(FID)、反应性降低的高性能毛细管进样口,及自动进样技术,它为液体的注入、顶空和SPME提供了多种选择。
该系统由我们的TotalChrom ™色谱数据系统(CDS)驱动,该系统既是仪器控制台,也是数据管理系统,是要求苛刻的多用户、多站点环境数据处理的首选。此外,TotalChrom系统独特的数据保护功能,可确保数据采集过程中,不会中断或受到影响。此外,我们的GC仪器配备了直观的触摸屏界面,支持实时信号显示和八种语言选择,极大地简化了用户交流。
Regulatory demands are rising not only for pharmaceutical but also for environmental, cosmetics and personal care, nutraceutical, food and chemical industries compelling them to dedicate significant time to ensure their instruments meet compliance standa
Open this infographic for a simple and informative walk-through of an efficient lubricant testing lab - viewing the different PerkinElmer instrumentation you can install in your laboratory to achieve a smooth operation for all your major lubricant analys
Chris Goss, Research Technologist at InnoTech Alberta, presents on cutting-edge science and technology for processing bitumen, heavy oil, and tailings. Organic chloride contamination in crude oil can cause corrosive hydrochloric acid (HCL) formation.
The analysis of ethanol in blood is a mature technique using headspace and confirmational columns. In this presentation, we will review this technique in addition to other detectors such as mass spectrometry.
Laboratories performing wastewater, surface water, and effluent testing contend with a multitude of demands: Analyzing a diverse range of contaminants, which mandates a variety of methods and techniques while managing a large volume of samples
GCMS instruments are normally equipped with a single GC column.
This course will review the most efficient means of maintaining (including installation) your analytical column. Also, how to troubleshoot when a challenge arises; for instance, why are my peaks tailing; why are they fronting; why is my baseline unstable
This webinar examines the methodology and benefits of passive sampling for monitoring volatile organic compounds in air. EPA Method 325 will be used as an example to demonstrate how passive monitoring is an accurate, reliable and easy way to collect air
This webinar discusses a number of topics relating to emerging contaminant analysis and workflow including the use of on-line solid phase extraction to improve sensitivity and productivity in sample enrichment and preparation as well as the analysis of
Hear Gerlinde Wita's presentation at NanoLytica 2022 which was held at Simon Fraser University in Canada.
Innovation is the lifeblood of industrial polymer development – the push to improve materials or develop new ones infuses new life into the industry from R&D through to QA/QC. Manufacturers are continually challenged to ensure effective quality control and streamline processes while meeting stringen ...
从新型TurboMatrix MultiPrep+到TurboMatrix MultiPrep自动进样器,PerkinElmer提供多样的选择,帮助您优化气体光谱仪工作流程,最大化您的实验室产能。
PerkinElmer offers a complete portfolio of analytical solutions to enable fast, accurate and intuitive testing throughout the winemaking process. Whether you're testing grapes at harvest, must during fermentation, or finished wines during the bottling process, PerkinElmer helps deliver the data you ...
Product Certificate for the Clarus 690 GC
PerkinElmer的TurboMatrix™ 顶空和Clarus® 680 气相色谱仪联用,提供了一种简单、 经济和可靠的测定水中甲烷及其它气体目标化合物的技术。本应用文献通过实验方法、性能数据,确证了该技术的可行性。
本文主要介绍如何将 PerkinElmer® Clarus® 600 气相色谱仪 (GC) 的全新柱温箱技术应用于经过修改的 8015DRO 分析方法,以达到改进样品通量和色谱分辨率的目的。
为了满足复杂的石油化学测试需要,我们的全新Clarus® 590和690气相色谱仪 (GC) 支持预先配置,以适应更广泛的应用,提供即开即用式解决方案,包括模拟蒸馏。我们提供了一个完整的,现成的系统,以便更快、更有效的完成分析,同时符合ASTM方法。了解Clarus GC仪器如何满足客户关键应用需求,实现卓越灵敏度和处理量,以及处理问题的多样性。
更优化的分析方法,对分析空气中的有毒化合物而言,显然是非常必要的,由此便于我们了解其对人类健康的影响。人类每天吸入大约20,000升空气,我们对此的关注十分重要。EPA方法TO-17用于在将有毒化合物收集到吸附管后,确定空气中的有毒化合物。本文阐述了PerkinElmer TurboMatrix™热脱附仪和PerkinElmer Clarus® SQ 8 GC/MS满足甚至超过EPA方法TO-17中规定的标准。并详细列出了仪器的参数,具有高精度、回收率好、线性好和检出限低等特征。
The European Union directives assist the member states to define the activities to be programmed and the objectives to be achieved. In this framework, the chemical analysis of the water system is the main activity to preserve the healthiness of the waterways through monitoring and detection of subst ...
由于存在多产品管道,用于燃料的供应与分配,因此航空燃料中可能会产生脂肪酸甲酯 (FAMEs)污染。本文介绍了如何使用Clarus 600 GC/MS来识别和定量污染。
ASTM® D7059-04是一种已建立的测定原油中甲醇的有效方法。在本应用文献描述了一种基于Perkinelmer® Clarus® 600 GC和S-Swafer™分离装置的方法。
本文介绍了如何利用Clarus 690气相色谱分析农药残留。
Gasoline samples are complex and a single column solution is not always readily available for the required analysis. As such, solutions that have multiple columns, valves, backflushing and heartcutting ability have been developed to overcome these challenging separations. The resulting standardized ...
作为四乙基铅的替代品,叔丁基甲醚 (MTBE)已被广泛用作汽油辛烷值的增强剂。研究发现,地下水中的甲基叔丁基醚含量越来越高,通常是因意外泄漏或地下储罐泄漏而造成。本文使用PerkinElmer Clarus® 690 GC/FID和TurboMatrix™ HS-40 Trap,建立起测定水和土壤中甲基叔丁基醚的方法。
ASTM®测试方法D2427-06旨在测定汽油中的C2至C5碳氢化合物含量。该方法验证的汽油样品已用ASTM®方法D2001-07进行了脱戊烷处理。根据ASTM®测试方法D2789-95 (2005),这些样品适用于利用质谱法,进行官能团烃分析。
空气污染是一个全球性的问题。地面臭氧已成为发达国家日益关注的问题,因为人们更加清楚地认识到,雾霾对健康的影响。在今后十年,对VOC臭氧前体化合物的监测,将持续在测定并减少发达和发展中国家空气污染方面,发挥作用。所列数据展示的分离改进,可以从Elite-624Sil MS柱分析实际样品的结果看出,也可以通过简化柱与Dean Switching设备的连接,以及运用捕集柱和带保护区技术的改进后的三段式捕集柱来实现。
本文描述的方法,基于原始ASTM® D-3606法,主要区别在于使用了毛细管柱。这种方法完全消除了乙醇的所有色谱干扰(甚至可以使用纯乙醇溶液),总体上提高了色谱质量,并显著缩短了分析时间(时间减少了50%或75%,具体取决于色谱柱设置)。
活性药物成分 (API) 的合成可能需要多个反应步骤,这些步骤会产生不良反应副产物或必须使用各种溶剂,需要从成品中剔除。这些溶剂和副产物可通过顶空气相色谱法进行测量,按照USP第467章挥发性残留有机溶剂分析方法。USP 467方法根据毒性将残留溶剂分成三类;除非有充分的理由,否则应避免使用1类溶剂,2类溶剂是因毒性问题而应限制使用的溶剂。
Microplastics are a major concern due to their impact on the environment. There is growing research into microplastics, typically submillimeter in size, and which often end up in waterways and oceans. They remain in a suspended state and can be ingested by marine organisms; thereby entering and accu ...
Global demand is increasing for environmentally friendly waste treatment options for used mineral oils such as motor oil, lubricants, insulating liquids and hydraulic oils. New waste treatment options allow for the recycling of used oils into new useful raw materials, thus reducing carbon emissions ...
Elasticity is one of the most important properties of rubber materials. During processing rubbers are modified by additives and fillers to form products with a desired colour and exhibiting specific mechanical and electrical properties. To characterize these complex properties, the analysis of the g ...
At the height of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers around the world experienced a supply shortage related to alcohol-based hand sanitizer. As new producers entered the market, and existing manufacturers sought to ramp-up production to meet the growing demand, lower grades of ethanol ...
Beer is one of the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages, and thorough and robust analysis of the raw materials used in the brewing process, as well as the finished product, is paramount to ensure consistent product quality and taste. There are a number of potential by-products and spillover pr ...
Ethanol is often utilized in commercial denatured fuel products to improve performance, and does not exhibit many of the environmentally dangerous characteristics of tetraethyl lead (TEL) and methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE). The primary ingredient of denatured fuel is ethanol, with a small amount of ...
Although considered pharmacologically inert, pharmaceutical excipients have been shown to interact with active drug substances to affect the safety and efficacy of drug products. One of the areas of major concern is the potential chemical interaction between impurities in the excipient and the drug ...
Optimized methods are needed for the analysis of toxic compounds in air to understand the impact to human health. People breathe approximately 20,000 liters of air a day so this concern is significant. EPA Method TO-17 is used to determine toxic compounds in air after they have been collected onto s ...
Need to ensure quality, safety and reliability of food packaging? This compendium of Application Notes will provide you with R&D and QA/QC insights from plastic food trays, to bags, films and canned goods. The compendium provides research data and experimental results for; mechanical durability test ...
Alcohol (Ethyl alcohol) or Ethanol, is a chemical widely used in pharmaceuticals and consumer products. Ethanol is used in formulations of products like skin disorder treatments, over-the-counter (OTC) products, cosmetics and beauty products, and disinfectants and hand sanitizers. It is important to ...
Malodor pollution in water has emerged as an increasingly worrisome consequence of continued worldwide urbanization and industrialization. Volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSCs), such as dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS), have been identified as a primary contributor to mal ...
Isopropyl alcohol, also known as Isopropanol or IPA, is commonly used as a sanitizer especially on skin surfaces such as prior to an injection of a vaccine or medicine. It is imperative this solution does not contain any impurities that are known to be a health hazard thus, the requirement for quali ...
Thymopentin (TP5), a 5-amino-acid polypeptide, is a safe and effective immunostimulant utilized in the treatment of a variety of immune disorders. Several residual solvents are used in the manufacture of TP5, including the "universal solvent" N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), known for its high solubilit ...
Bioethanol, as defined by the U.S. Department of Energy, is a renewable fuel made from biomasses. It has widespread use in producing gasohol, a blend of alcohol and gasoline, which is utilized as an alternative fuel for cars and other vehicles in various countries. As part of Thailand’s effort in fi ...
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the application of an analytical technique that integrates thermal analysis with gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy to identify and quantify toxic compounds emitted during the burning of electronics waste at different oxidizing conditions. The stud ...
A common QC test in plastic production is the analysis of residual monomers in the final polymer material. This analysis is well suited for headspace sampling because headspace eliminates the sample preparation. The sample is analyzed directly with no need to dissolve the polymer. Multiple headspace ...
Trimethylamine (TMA) is a volatile organic compound known to be a major contributor to malodor pollution. Created in a gaseous form as a result of the manufacture, use and disposal of materials utilized in sewage treatment plants, the low odor threshold of TMA results in regular poor air quality com ...
Ethylene oxide (EO) is a highly reactive, toxic and flammable gas which can act as an irritant to humans at room temperature. Since the 1950s, EO has been utilized for the sterilization of medical instruments that cannot be exposed to moisture or high temperatures, including those made of polymers, ...
Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is one of the largest volume organic chemicals utilized in the manufacture of consumer products like household cleaners and personal care products. It is also a key chemical in industrial products like printing inks, adhesives, and sanitizers which have become c ...
The needs for polymer, pharmaceutical, chemicals, food and beverage, and environmental analyses are constantly changing due to innovation demands and regulation changes. Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) solutions combine multiple analytical technologies to empower speed and advanced information acquisitio ...
A gas chromatography (GC) column the vital key to any GC separation, and selecting the correct key is crucial to helping you unlock the information found inside your sample. PerkinElmer is proud to offer a comprehensive selection of GC columns spanning a wide selectivity range with many different co ...
During gas chromatography (GC) column installation, ferrules are used to provide a leak-free seal. Different materials and configurations of ferrules are available, the choice of which depends on your application and use within the GC instrument. This primer provides a guide to GC column ferrule sel ...
Choosing which chromatography column to install is perhaps the most impactful decision a chromatographer routinely makes. Since the separation of compounds by GC is governed by a molecule’s partitioning properties between the carrier gas and the column’s stationary phase, the careful selection of wh ...
The Weld County Public Health Laboratory works in conjunction with both the Environmental Health and the Public Health Education departments to support a variety of testing programs including maintaining the quality of the county’s drinking water. They have partnered with PerkinElmer to optimize the ...
Research into battery technology is a thriving and crucial part of governmental efforts to transition economies to a more sustainable model. The scientists involved are developing totally new materials and battery cells which ultimately aim to benefit society and the ecosystems that sustain it by ac ...
C2至C12挥发性有机臭氧前体化合物的分析,是对分析化学家提出的严苛技术挑战。大气中的低浓度,加上需要经常监测以评估日变化,这意味着在通过热解吸分析之前,需要经历样品的预浓缩步骤。虽然样品可以在现场收集并带回实验室,但远程、基于现场的分析可以减少数据周转时间,最大限度地减少样品采集硬件,允许VOCs的存在与否,与气相数据相关。在这一领域中,如对低分子量C2 VOCs进行低温冷却,它们可以被吸附在固体吸附剂上。
聚合物市场充斥着大量工业产品制造商,有着多种不同的处理工艺,但仍面临着类似的挑战。 如为了实现产品高质量并降低成本,在竞争中领先一步,他们面临着越来越大的压力。
Infographic Poster showing the range of different analytical solutions for Toxicology Labs; from GC and LC, to ICP-MS and UV-Vis. Benchtop and floor standing chromatography, spectroscopy and thermal solutions for everyday robust and reliable analyses. FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC ...
基于EPA建模,方法EPA 325 A/B将减少年均约52000吨的挥发性有机化合物释放到环境当中。面临这一新的重大环境标准,PerkinElmer的创新技术、运营效率和环境专业知识可以助我们一臂之力,早日实现合规性。
This white paper discusses what testing is required at each step in the polymer production lifecycle from R&D to manufacture to recycling. It explores the analytical technologies that will meet those testing needs, and important considerations to help you select the instrumentation that will provide ...
This webinar discusses how to analyze volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds in a single air analysis. The Focus os the discussion is on two main applications, Soil Gas and Manufacturing Gas Plant Sites, and using the technique..
Globally, regulatory agencies are increasing requirements and rigor for the monitoring of air to address human health risks rising from ambient air pollution. Keeping up with regulations and methodologies can be challenging. This webinar compares the d
In this on demand webinar, Carol Meyer, CEO of Orsat, LLC, discusses the configuration and automation of AutoGC systems along with the quality controls to ensure the accuracy, validity and consistency of the data they produce.