S20 Series Autosamplers | PerkinElmer


S20 Series Autosamplers



The S20 series is the next generation of high-performance, robust, and agile autosamplers designed specifically for PerkinElmer’s spectroscopy platforms - atomic and molecular. The series is comprised of two autosamplers: the S23 with three racks and the S25 with five racks. They are designed to meet the needs of all types of laboratories requiring:

  • Capacity - up to 270 samples for the S23 and up to 450 samples for the S25 allowing long, unattended runs
  • Speed - intelligent acceleration and deceleration speed in three axes
  • Ease of use - full control through various software platforms: Syngistix (for AA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS), UVWinLab and SpectrumFL