To advance the understanding of disease mechanisms in cancer, it is critical that researchers see everything a tumor has to show them. Leveraging PerkinElmer’s Phenoptics™ Quantitative Pathology Research Solutions, researchers are now visualizing and measuring tumor cells and multiple immune-cell phenotypes simultaneously for the first time in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.
Because of Phenoptics’ integration of multiplexed immunohistochemistry and imaging, leading scientists are now able to quantitatively capture systems biology data in cellular detail. What follows are brief profiles of some of these Innovators in Cancer Immunology and how they are using Phenoptics to discover new insights into the complexity of immune-cancer interactions that affect countless millions of patients around the world.
An acknowledged pioneer and vocal advocate in the rapidly emerging cancer immunotherapy space, Bernard Fox is one of the first scientists to recognize the fit between PerkinElmer’s Phenoptics™ and the analytical needs in cancer immunology. Today, Dr. Fox is focusing on developing predictive biomarkers for squamous cell carcinoma of the head-and-neck cancer (SCCHN), and for melanoma. His first study focused on PD-L1 associated down regulation of immune response in SCCHN. He is also the first to publish results of an immune signature biomarker based on a full 6-plex, Opal(TM) 7-color IHC Detection Kits showing predictive power for response to adoptive T-cell therapy in melanoma.
For more information, watch our Nature On-Demand Webcast "The Beginning of the End: Immunoprofiling Coming of Age"