Plastic Recycling | PerkinElmer

Plastic Recycling

Testing & Identifying Plastic Waste for Recycling

Recycling is a challenge we face together. Plastic manufacturers, retailers and government, are working to control plastic pollution on land and in our oceans, by evolving ever more circular economies. And polymer recycling is rising to the challenge, so that plastics once destined for landfills are now recycled into new products.

To get better quality of recycled polymers, it’s important to pre-sort plastics, so accurate identification leading to proper separation is critical for the industrial plastic recycling process. Plus, it’s important to check the mechanical properties of polymers and have a final quality check of the end product. Our solutions make use of the most commonly-used techniques which can be performed throughout the entire recycling process allowing for an in-depth understanding of the materials from start to finish. These cover:

  • Raw Materials Identification
  • Polymer/Material Characterization
  • Mechanical and Thermal Characterization

Our recycling package supports the Plastic Identification Codes (PIC), used worldwide for packaging applications. PIC provides a uniform system for the identification of various polymer types and to help recycling companies separate various plastics for reprocessing.

QA/QC Control of Raw Materials & Products

Simplify and accelerate your polymer analysis for highest productivity. Confidently and reliably test your plastic and polymer samples to the performance standards that you require. Learn more about Materials Identification, Materials Performance and Residual Monomer Content.


R&D Polymer Research & Development

Our comprehensive polymer analysis product portfolio has the flexibility to support ongoing innovation and keep up with your lab‘s ever-changing requirements providing both identification and characterization of your materials as well as failure analysis/contaminants analysis, additive and emissions analysis?



Polymer Recycling Compendium

This compendium provides example data and interpretations for the seven codes of recyclable polymers. DSC and TGA raw data files are provided so that the user c ...

Finding and Preventing PP Contamination Using FT-IR in Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic (HDPE)

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a commonly recycled plastic, notably from plastic drinking bottles. Recycled applications of HDPE are many and various inclu ...

Customer Story: Institute of Polymeric Materials and Testing (IPMT | JKU)

Watch this video to learn how we help the Institute of Polymeric Materials and Testing (IPMT) to analyze in-depth polymeric materials for ongoing recycling rese ...

Plastics Recycling: Insights, Challenges and Future Trends

Partnering with many of our customers we know that developing new products with advanced performance features is not enough in the new, waste-averse economy.

Be a Pro PET Analyzer - From Safety to Recycling

In a world reliant on achieving ever-more sustainable plastics to safe-guard our shared environment, PET has an important role to play.

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