Our robust LC/MS/MS PFAS testing solutions support lab efficiencies with increased uptime from reduced system contamination, even when dealing with complex matrices.
Accessories for Falling Number, RVA, Glutomatic, LactoScopes, IM 9500, IM 8800, DA 7250, DA 7350, DA 7440 and other dedicated food testing instruments.
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FT 9700 sample dish.
RVA book.
IM 9500 check sample.
DA 7350 Power supply.
DA 7350 Whole measurement chamber.
DA 7250 small sample cups.
DA 7250 clear liquid cup.
DA 7200 accessory tray.
DA 7250 syrup cup.
DA 7250 barcode reader.
DA 7200 half depth dish.
DA 7250 closed cup.
DA 7250 mirror cup.
DA 7250 straight edge.
DA 7250 calibration package.
IM 9500 semolina kit.
IM 8800 special cell.
IM 9500 flour kit.
DA 7250 transflectance cell.
IM 9500 small volume cup.
DA 7350 Flour measurement chamber.
DA 7250 half depth dish.
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