Cyanotoxin Analysis Technology

液相色谱质谱 (LC/MS) 仪器
我们的液相色谱质谱联用系统,集高灵敏度,高选择性,高通量及耐用性等优异性能于一体,结构紧凑,操作简单。在食品安全、环境监测以及工业研究和分析等领域,为您提供最佳的解决方案。 QSight™ 三重四极杆液质联用仪从方法开发到结果报告的呈现均能提供完整的应用解决方案。采用专利技术的创新系统易于学习和使用,可实现高灵敏度和高 ...
Cyanobacteria are commonly found in freshwater environments where they can produce blooms which can cause unpleasant odors and deplete oxygen levels, causing conditions harmful to wildlife. Some cyanobacterial blooms can produce cyanotoxins such as microcystin, anatoxin-a, cylindrospermopsin, and saxitoxin, which can bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms, enter the food chain and ultimately affect human health. In addition, exposure can occur via inhalation or direct skin contact when encountering contaminated waters as well as by consuming contaminated drinking water supplies. Scientists and researchers continue to learn more about the identification, effects and management of cyanotoxins, using instrumentation such as the PerkinElmer QSight® LC-MS/MS to provide them with the sensitivity and versatility required to study these important environmental contaminants.
液相色谱质谱 (LC/MS) 仪器