NexION 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP Mass Spectrometer | PerkinElmer
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NexION 5000 多重四极杆ICP-MS

NexION 5000是业界首款多重四极杆ICP-MS,由四组四极杆组成。其创新设计达到和超过如半导体、生物监测和其他应用领域严苛的痕量和超痕量元素检测要求。NexION 5000性能超越了传统的三重四极杆技术,提供极低的背景等效浓度(在高温热等离子字体中,BECs<1 ppt)和出色的检测极限,确保了结果的精度和可重现性。NexION 5000 ICP-MS具有:

  • 卓越的干扰消除能力
  • 出色的背景等效浓度(BECs)
  • 无与伦比的基体耐受性
  • 符合SEMI S2/S8法规和安规要求

NexION 5000 Cleanroom ICP-MS
Multi-Quad ICP-MS for Cleanroom Applications
NexION 5000 Non-Cleanroom ICP-MS
Multi-Quad ICP-MS for Non-Cleanroom Applications
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The NexION 5000 Cleanroom ICP-MS is suitable for cleanroom applications, designed specifically for those requiring the highest level of cleanliness and the lowest background equivalent concentrations (<1 ppt, even in hot plasma). It is equipped with a host of new and proprietary technologies which together surpass traditional triple-quad capabilities and redefine your expectations:

  • Four quadrupoles:
    • First: Quadrupole Ion Deflector (Q0) directs ions to the entrance of the first mass filter
    • Second: Transmission Analyzer Quadrupole 1 (Q1, full-sized for <0.7 amu mass resolution), acts as a mass filter or as an ion guide to direct ions to the Quadrupole Universal Cell
    • Third: Quadrupole Universal Cell (Q2), empowered by dynamic bandpass tuning, prevents side reactions with residual reaction gases in the cell
    • Fourth: Transmission Analyzer Quadrupole 2 (Q3, full-sized for <0.7 amu mass resolution), acts as a mass filter or as an ion guide to direct ions to the detector
  • Extended Dynamic Range (EDR) increases linear dynamic range to 1014, allowing to run both high- and low-concentration analytes in a single analytical run, resulting in fewer re-runs
  • Low maintenance for greater uptime:
    • Triple Cone Interface with patent-pending OmniRing combined with Quadrupole Ion Deflector deliver no maintenance beyond cones, for continual operation and improved stability
    • 34 MHz free-running RF generator offers trouble-free user experience - the plasma is generated by the unique LumiCoil RF load coil, which is passively cooled by the extraction (does not require water or gas cooling), so maintenance-free, eliminating need to replace plasma load coils
  • External status lighting provides easy visibility of state of analysis, optimizing efficiencies
  • Syngistix for ICP-MS software (v. 3.0 or higher) brings together the power of the triple-quad ion optics with automated and user-friendly workflows and a contemporary user interface
  • Certified to be able to be upgraded to meet SEMI S2/S8 (emergency button) delivers ease of integration in cleanroom facilities


深度 85.0 cm
高度 85.0 cm
型号名称 NexION 5000 Cleanroom ICP-MS
产品品牌名称 NexION
技术类型 Multi-Quad ICP-MS for Cleanroom Applications
重量 191.0 kg
宽度 114.0 cm
  • 所有


Metallic Impurity Analysis in Ultra-Pure N-Methyl Pyrrolidone with the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

As semiconductor devices have become smaller and more sophisticated, it has become essential to prevent metal contamination, which causes yield loss. Therefore, strict impurity control is required for chemicals used in the fabrication process.

Automated Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade Chemicals

In partnership with Elemental Scientific Inc. (ESI), we’re delighted to bring to you a collection of application briefs for the fully-automated analysis of a variety of semiconductor-grade chemicals, seamlessly coupling the ESI prepFAST S ultraclean ...



Bottled Lightning: Researching and Designing Better Batteries with the Help of ICP-OES, ICP-MS, and FTIR Analysis

Article by Kieran Evans on researching and designing better batteries with the help of ICP-OES, ICP-MS, and FTIR Analytical methods in a laboratory setting



How to Bring a Better ICP-MS to Market (and Win a Few Awards)

The NexION® 5000 multi-quadrupole ICP-MS won an R&D 100 Award, recognizing it as, “One of the 100 most technologically significant new products of the year in the analytical/test category.”



棕榈油分析 — 从上游到下游的完整实验室解决方案


New Developments in Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS Technology for Challenging Applications

Laboratories conducting trace-elemental analyses require high-performance instrumentation capable of delivering accurate and reproducible results, even at low concentrations. Find out how recent developments in multi-quadrupole ICP-MS technology address these evolving needs. Advantages: superior int ...



Nanometrology Portfolio Poster

This nanometrology portfolio infographic poster gives you a 1-page overview of the instrumentation required by laboratories for the investigation of nanomaterials which are used to develop advanced materials in a range of applications.

Solid-State Batteries Materials Analysis

We are supporting scientists as they work to solve the battery challenges that will drive the next phases of global economic advancement as the world pivots towards a renewable energy future.



NexION ICP-MS Series Universal Cell Technology – For the Next Generation of Analysis

Interferences in plasma-based spectroscopy are among the most challenging aspects of method development for ICP-MS analysis. When complex matrices are present, polyatomic and isobaric interferences can lead to inaccurate and inconsistent results.



All Matrix Solution Feature on NexION ICP-MS Series Instruments

PerkinElmer’s All Matrix Solution, available on all NexION® ICP-MS instruments, allows online gas dilution of your samples, both improving efficiency and preventing contamination.

Syngistix for ICP-MS Software for the NexION Series Instruments

Syngistix™ for ICP-MS software for the NexION® ICP-MS series instruments is designed with your workflow in mind to make it easy for you to set up and report your analyses, upleveling your experience.

Empowering Sustainability: Renewable Energy, Batteries and Energy Storage

PerkinElmer is empowering sustainability for a range of global industries including renewable energy, batteries and energy storage.

Customer Spotlight: Colorado State University presents "The Periodic Table of Food"

Take a look at the exciting initiative that Colorado State University is leading: The Periodic Table of Food database.



Inline Intelligent Electronic Chemicals Quality Monitoring Series

In this on-demand presentation video, Jess Liu of NewFast Technology talks about trace contaminant detection in chip (silicon wafer) manufacturing.

Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS: Pushing Limits of Detection to the Next Decimal

In this webinar we will examine the power of PerkinElmer's latest in the NexION Series of ICP-MS: the NexION 5000 multi-quadrupole ICP-MS.

Atomic Webinar Resources Hub

Our atomic spectroscopy experts have complied a series of Atomic Spectroscopy Webinars to walk through the fundamentals and theory of AA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS analysis.

Laser Ablation ICP-MS: Precise High-Throughput Analysis of Rare Earth Elements

With the increasing demand for high-specification electronic devices, the discovery of rare earth elements (REEs) has become crucial.

Research on Solid-State Batteries, Advanced Materials, and Analytical Testing

Rechargeable high-performance battery technology is enabling the large-scale e-mobility revolution.

Semiconductor Specialty Gas Analysis using GDI-ICP-MS

In semiconductor fabrication, it is imperative to be able to control impurities in specialty gases, as otherwise they will lead to unwanted formation of deposits on the wafer surface

Impurity Analysis in Electronic Specialty Materials (ESMs)

We all know Chips are essential for a host of day to day products which need memory and operating semiconducting chips in their manufacture - from phones to cars, to commercial and industrial equipment.

Ocean Nutrients and Sargassum Blooms: How analytical advances drive ocean science discoveries

Disruptions in ocean chemistry can lead to algal blooms which can pose a risk to wildlife.

Understanding Your Samples for ICP-MS – Part 2: The Advantages of Survey Scan

Syngistix™ software for NexION® ICP-MS instruments provides several different ways of data acquisition, depending on analysis needs and desirable results.

Understanding Your Samples for ICP-MS – Part 1: The Power of TotalQuant

Syngistix™ software for NexION® ICP-MS instruments provides several different ways of data acquisition, depending on analysis needs and desirable results.



NexION 5000 化学高分辨多重四极杆ICP-MS 产品手册

在快节奏的分析界,为了保证质量和安全,检测结果的准确性和可重现性至关重要。业内的诸多使用者对检测设备有着共同的需求,期望在分析微量元素的同时可以去除干扰、提供非常低的检出限和出色的背景等效浓度 (BECs)。

这正是NexION® 5000背后的设计理念,为业内提供与众不同的化学高分辨多重四极杆ICP-MS。这个系统能够提供优于高分辨率ICP-MS和传统的三重四极杆技术。

领略NexION® 5000 ICP-MS的独特之处,欢迎下载相关资料。

Comprehensive Forensic Analysis Solutions

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NexION 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS - Interactive Brochure

In the fast-paced analytical world, accurate and reproducible results are essential to guaranteeing quality and ensuring safety. What many industries have in common is the need for trace-element analysis with superior interference removal, extremely low detection limits, and outstanding background e ...

Analytical Sustainability Solutions

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Comprehensive and Compliant Solutions for Glass Analysis

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In-Depth Battery Component Testing

As the world moves to embrace renewable energy sources and reduce our global CO2 emissions, it will also be more dependent than ever on better battery technology, powering the demands of industries such as automotive, energy storage, and portable consumer goods like power tools, computers, and phone ...

Automotive Materials Analysis Brochure

This brochure guides you through all our PerkinElmer analytical solutions for the automotive industry. From advanced polymers and rubber materials, to batteries, semiconductors, glass, fuels and lubricants. See how we can offer you fully-rounded laboratory solutions along the whole automotive value ...



Syngistix for ICP-MS Software - Revving Up the User Experience

Syngistix™ for ICP-MS software for the NexION® ICP-MS instruments is designed to improve efficiencies in the laboratory. It features a refreshed user interface that conforms to your workflow, delivering a modern, streamlined experience based on familiar left-to-right navigation and a ribbon menu, wi ...

PDF 778 KB
NexION 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS

The NexION® 5000 is a multi-quadrupole-based ICP-MS instrument engineered to remove the most complex interferences, ideal for multi-element analysis applications requiring ultra-trace-level detection. Download this product note to discover all of its innovative features.

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Semiconductor & Electronics Analysis Overview Flyer

Download this Flyer for an overview of PerkinElmer's analytical solutions for the Semiconductor industry. This 2-page flyer outlines semiconductor and microelectronic workflows and applications, and the precise and reliable PerkinElmer solutions to address them - including instrumentation, consumabl ...

Supporting Sustainability with the NexION ICP-MS Series

Today’s sustainable solutions are opening exciting new ways for businesses to fuel economic growth, while minimizing adverse impact on people and the planet. Laboratories are also working sustainability into their business plans to reduce downtime, waste, and costs – and in many cases, improve their ...

PDF 587 KB
NexION 5000 ICP-MS – Innovation Recognized

Perfect for your most challenging applications, the cutting-edge, multi-award-winning NexION® 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS is the industry’s first and only four-quadrupole ICP-MS instrument – taking performance well beyond everyday triple-quad technology. And the scientific community is taking notic ...

PDF 204 KB
Power Up Your Battery Component Analysis Flyer

Download this useful flyer for a summary of how our instrumentation can test for safety, performance and composition of your advanced battery materials. Get an overview of solutions and their benefits in materials characterization techniques from FT-IR, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, DSC, TGA, GC-MS and hyphenate ...

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Product Certificate - Nexion 5000

Product Certificate for the Nexion 5000

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Characterization of Ultrapure Water Using NexION 5000 ICP-MS

For decades, the semiconductor industry has been designing new devices that are smaller, faster and consume less power than their predecessors. To maintain this trend, the critical features of these devices must also become smaller and have fewer defects. The small diameter of a chip’s features requ ...

Direct Analysis of Metallic Impurities in Hydrochloric Gas Using Gas Exchange Device (GED) ICP-MS

In today’s fast-paced world, semiconductors have become indispensable. Demands for faster and smaller chips with higher integration and lower energy consumption are increasing. Potential sources of metallic contamination in semiconductor manufacturing processes are ubiquitous, thus it is critical to ...

Analysis of Metallic Impurities in Si Wafers Using Fully Automated VPD-ICP-MS

Silicon (Si) is the most used semiconductor and is a critical element for producing circuits found in everyday electronics. As more industries utilize semiconductor devices and Si wafers in electronic products and services, there is an increasing demand for Si wafers with minimal impurities due to t ...

Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade Chemicals Using Automated Standard Addition System (ASAS)-ICP-MS

Semiconductor device fabrication utilizes a variety of chemicals, whose metallic impurity levels must remain at ultra-trace levels to ensure end product quality. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is one of the most sensitive techniques for metallic impurities testing and has beco ...

Analysis of Metallic Nanoparticles in Semiconductor Process Chemicals Using the NexION 5000 SP-ICP-MS

Metallic contamination in semiconductor products adversely affects device performance and impacts the yield of the fabrication process. To meet the demand for higher yields and performance in wafer substrates, contamination must be minimized on the wafer surface as well as in the substrate itself. T ...

Analysis of High-Purity Silicon Matrices for Trace Contaminants with the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

The late 20th century to early 21st century has been described as the Silicon Age, because of the large impact that elemental silicon (Si) has had on the world economy. Highly purified Si used in semiconductor electronics is essential in the production of transistors and integrated circuit chips use ...

Direct Determination of Trace Elements in Nickel-Based Superalloys with the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Nickel-based superalloys are widely used in challenging environments because of their physical properties, which include, but are not limited to, toughness, high heat resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio, and low thermal conductivity. The required properties of state-of-the-art nickel-based sup ...

PDF 894 KB
Analysis of Phosphoric Acid Coupling the AutoSampler Dilution Module and Automated Standard Addition System with the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is an indispensable analytical tool in the semiconductor industry, since one of the most sensitive techniques for analyzing metallic impurities in chemicals. Most chemicals are analyzed with minimum dilution to determine ultra-trace levels of met ...

PDF 908 KB
Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Using the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Contaminants in chemicals used during manufacturing processes have a direct impact on product yield and reliability of semiconductor devices. Within the whole process of integrated circuit manufacturing, wafers are sent for repeated cleaning using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Semiconductor Equipment an ...

Ultra-Trace Elemental Analysis in High-Purity Sulfuric Acid

The production of electronic devices is a complex process that requires the use of ultra-pure chemicals during the manufacturing steps. High-purity-grade sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is generally used for cleaning components and etching all metal and organic impurities on silicon wafers. Impurities in sulf ...

Accurate Ultra-Trace Measurements of 236U Using the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Uranium-236 (236U) is the product of thermal neutron capture of 235U, but the natural occurrence of 236U is very rare. The presence of this isotope in a sample of uranium indicates that the sample originates from a nuclear reactor. Compared to naturally occurring uranium isotopes like 234U and 235U, ...



NexION 5000 ICP-MS在血液分析中的应用


在此,我们将展示出珀金埃尔默最新的化学高分辨多重四极杆ICP-MS仪器NexION 5000总结了血液分析的结果,以三种不同含量(正常、升高和较高)的血液标准物质ClinChek® 进行分析,展示了出色的准确性、稳定性和丰度灵敏度能力。

PDF 511 KB
NexION 5000 ICP-MS在超纯水分析中的应用

超纯水(UPW)被广泛地用于半导体器件生产中所有湿法工艺步骤,包括晶片冲洗和化学浴中化合物的稀释。在这些关键步骤中,可能会吸收来自化学浴和冲洗水中的污染物,然后通过一系列的化学和电化学反应沉淀到硅表面。在成品的重点区域中,如果金属污染物的浓度达到50 ppq,就会改变集成电路部件的电气参数,导致其无法通过最后的电气测试。因此超纯水纯度测定至关重要。 在此,我们将展示出珀金埃尔默最新的化学高分辨多重四极杆ICP-MS仪器NexION 5000获得的超纯水分析结果。NexION 5000 四组四极杆组成的多重四极杆ICP-MS质谱平台,通过各四极杆的不同质量分辨能力和工作模式,结合碰撞反应池技术, ...

PDF 679 KB
Rapid Ultra-Trace Analysis of Impurities in Ultrapure Water using the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Since ultrapure water (UPW) is used throughout the semiconductor industry in a variety of applications, impurities need to be controlled as these will directly impact the quality and overall yield of semiconductor products. ICP-MS is often used to accurately quantify sub-ppt concentrations of impuri ...

Automated Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade Nitric Acid with prepFAST S and NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Nitric acid (HNO3) is widely utilized in the semiconductor industry during the cleaning process of silicon wafers to reduce contamination by trace metals, particulates, and organic contaminants which would otherwise alter the functionality of the semiconductors. As such, the use of a high-quality ac ...

Automated Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade Hydrofluoric Acid with prepFAST S and NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is widely utilized in the semiconductor industry during the cleaning process of silicon wafers in order to reduce contamination by trace metals, particulates, and organic contaminants which would otherwise alter the functionality of the semiconductors. As such, the use of high ...

Automated Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade BOE with prepFAST S and NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Buffered oxide etchants (BOEs) are blends of hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, surfactants, and ultrapure water utilized in the semiconductor industry to etch thin films of silicon wafers. The reduction of potential contamination of silicon wafers during the etching process is crucial, as trace ...

Ultra-Trace Quantification of Non-Metals in Sulfuric Acid Solutions using the NexION 5000 ICP-MS under Different Cell Gas Conditions

As semiconductor manufacturing processes are being performed at increasing micro-levels, the demand for ICP-MS instrumentation capable of analyzing non-metallic elements at ultra-trace concentrations has grown. For these applications, the use of an ICP-MS system with a full-length resolving quadrupo ...

Ultra-Trace Determination of Non-Metallic Elements in Dilute Nitric Acid Using NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Nitric acid is widely used throughout the semiconductor and electronics industry. Various purity grades are required depending on the application and the intended use. For this reason, the semiconductor industry has required ever-lower detection of a broad range of impurities, including non-metallic ...

Automated Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade TMAH with prepFAST S and NexION 5000 ICP-MS

Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) is a basic solvent widely utilized in the semiconductor industry for photoresist development and lithography applications. The reduction of potential contamination on silicon wafers during the manufacturing processes is crucial as trace-metal, particulate and org ...



NexION 5000 ICP-MS新一代创新接口设计的优势

具有OmniRing的第二代三锥接口的新型设计专为NexION 5000 ICP-MS而研发,兼顾了灵敏度和稳定性。该设计以三锥接口几何 结构为基础,基于简单高效的OmniRing技术提供了独特的应对空 间电荷效应的解决方案。该设计从ICP-MS理想接口的诸多特性着 手,通过减少离子流提高了传输效率,与此同时,还以受控的方式 实现了离子通过接口后的加速,而不会将高能离子传输到下游离子 光学系统中。结果是在没有提高仪器本底水平的情况下,大大提高 了分析物的信号强度。通过这种新型接口设计,能够在强健等离子 体条件下,直接以亚ppt级的背景等效浓度对复杂基质进行分析。 除了提高灵敏度,该接口设计还使 ...

ICP-MS 用于NexION ICP-MS的全基体进样系统(AMS)

在用珀金埃尔默NexION系列ICP-MS对高基体样品进行分析时,配合AMS系统可以给您 带来一系列好处。 通过将氩气通入雾室颈部,样品气溶胶得到稀释,可以获得更高的离子化效率、更小的基体效应和更少的锥口沉积,使样 品前处理更为简单,分析数据质量更高。

PDF 372 KB
Novel Interference Removal Opportunities with the NexION 5000 ICP-MS

The NexION® 5000 ICP-MS, with multi-quadrupole technology and Universal Cell, is able to take full advantage of element reactivity with 100% pure gases by analyzing them as cluster ions at higher masses where no interferences reside, and the background is clean. The Universal Cell, thanks to its qua ...

All Matrix Solution System for NexION ICP-MS Platforms

PerkinElmer’s All Matrix Solution (AMS) system provides a number of benefits to simplify analysis of high-matrix samples with the NexION family of ICP-MS instruments. It allows online gas dilution, improving efficiency and preventing contamination, delivering up to 200x dilution and the ability to s ...

Interferences in ICP-MS: Do we still have to worry about them?

Interferences will always occur in ICP-MS and need to be dealt with. However, the NexION® 5000 multi-quadrupole ICP-MS with quadrupole Universal Cell is able to effectively and reproducibly remove spectral interferences leading to improved accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility, while solving p ...

TotalQuant Analysis in NexION ICP Mass Spectrometers

TotalQuant, a software feature unique to PerkinElmer's NexION® ICP-MS systems, intelligently interprets the complete mass spectrum, providing semi-quantitative to quantitative results for all elements. TotalQuant and survey scan can provide supplementary and confirmatory information about unknown sa ...

Novel Interface for NexION 2200/5000 ICP-MS Systems – Innovative Design, Uncompromised Performance

The innovative design of the second-generation Triple Cone Interface with patent-pending OmniRing™ was developed for the NexION® 2200 and 5000 ICP-MS systems with both sensitivity and stability in mind. It builds on the Triple Cone Interface geometry of the NexION series and provides unique solution ...

PDF 706 KB


NexION ICP-MS Series Consumables & Supplies Guide

Whether looking for sample introduction components or standards, we have the consumables you need to keep your NexION up and running smoothly and efficiently.

NexION ICP-MS Series - Superior Interference Removal, Accurate Results

Accurate, reproducible trace elemental analysis is essential to ensuring the quality and safety of our products and our environment, and the award-winning NexION® ICP-MS platform delivers that level of accuracy and repeatability through a host of unique features that provide superior interference re ...



Sigma Analytical Services’ Journey as a Cannabis, Food, and Pharma Startup Laboratory

Newly regulated industries, such as cannabis, must deal with establishing standardized protocols with the prospect of regulations changing quickly and evolving as the industry expands. When establishing Sigma Analytical Services Inc. in 2017, a new company in a newly regulated industry with the inte ...

PDF 998 KB
Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS – Pushing Limits of Detection to the Next Decimal

As the limits of detection (LODs) for trace metal analysis are increasingly being pushed to the next decimal, a need exists to meet these new detection requirements without compromising accuracy or precision. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is often the technique of choice for ...



NutriControl and PerkinElmer Collaborate to Serve-up Agricultural and Nutritional Analyses

The science and art of creating and maintaining thriving agricultural ecosystems requires cultivating healthy soil, crops and livestock. The safety and efficacy of agricultural chemicals and their uptake into our food supply requires robust, reliable and effective analytical testing on agrochemicals ...

PDF 393 KB


Infographic - Solutions for your Toxicology Lab

Infographic Poster showing the range of different analytical solutions for Toxicology Labs; from GC and LC, to ICP-MS and UV-Vis. Benchtop and floor standing chromatography, spectroscopy and thermal solutions for everyday robust and reliable analyses. FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC ...

PDF 460 KB
Advanced Solutions for Solar Cells Poster

Download this poster for an all-in-one view of how PerkinElmer instrumentation can answer the analytical needs of the solar market. From R&D of nanomaterials and advanced materials to solar cell component testing including aging and defect analysis - our UV/Vis, DSC, TGA, FT-IR and ICP systems help ...



Semiconductor Water Recycling: Analytical Action to Ensure Consistent Water Availability

As semiconductor science advances and the wafers become more complex - increasing volumes of water are needed for the production processes. Manufacturers must balance their water consumption with environmental factors and quality in production. This whitepaper examines the trends and innovations in ...

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