Fourier - Transform Infrared (FTIR) Instruments | PerkinElmer

红外 (IR)



  • 卓越的光谱性能应对各种复杂的应用
  • 完全集成,通用采样
  • 无与伦比的灵活性 - 我们在标准采样选件之外,还提供一系列独特的专用应用附件
  • 便携性选项非常适用于实验室或远程测试环境
  • 易于现场升级,光学系统可以配置为使用显微镜和成像系统
  • 低维护设计
  • 直观的软件

产品与服务 (13)


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  • Consumables (2)
  • Instruments (10)
  • Software and Informatics (1)
  • 83.0 cm (2)
  • 30.0 cm (1)
  • 60.0 cm (1)
  • DairyGuard (1)
  • EGA 4000 Evolved Gas Analyzer (1)
  • Frontier (1)
  • OilExpress (4)
  • Silica Analyzer (1)
  • Spectrum 3 Tri-Range FT-IR Spectrometer (1)
  • Spectrum Two (1)
  • Application Pack (1)
  • Instrument (1)
  • FT-IR Spectroscopy (1)
  • Infrared (IR) (2)
  • IR (5)
  • Thermal Analysis (1)
  • FT-IR (1)
  • FT-IR Spectroscopy (1)
  • Infrared Spectroscopy (1)
  • Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) (1)


1-13 的 13 产品与服务

  • Spectrum 3 FT-IR

    Spectrum 3 FT-IR Spectrometer

    PerkinElmer Spectrum 3™傅立叶变换红外(FT-IR)光谱仪涵盖近、中、远红外区域,将为您提供前所未有的采样灵活性和光谱性能。延续多个系列的高度模块化配置平台,多样的采样附件,让您在设备的长期使用中,始终获得如一的可靠结果。从日常定性定量到高端研究应用,适用于几乎所有应用领域及行业,Spectrum 3™让红外更进一步。
  • Spectrum Two

    Polymer ID Analyzer

    Accurate verification of identity, quality, and composition of polymers and their blends used in industries such as food packaging, construction, and automotive is essential to develop new products and ensure finished product quality. Polymer ID Analyzer from PerkinElmer is a compact and easy-to-use solution designed to simplify and accelerate your polymer analysis. Quickly and confidently identify unknown polymer samples, determine composition of blends, and verify quality.
  • IR Spectroscopy Equipment

    DairyGuard Milk Powder Analyzer

    The DairyGuard Milk Powder Analyzer applies advanced algorithms to screen for known and unknown economic adulterants in milk powder, as well as performing the same fast measurements routinely used for protein, moisture, and fat monitoring today. With the Frontier configurable NIR platform, you can expect dependable and consistent operation through years of service.

  • PerkinElmer
  • PerkinElmer
  • OilExpress-4-XL-Duo1000x1000

    OilExpress 4 XL DUO

    OilExpress™4 XL DUO按照公认的行业标准协议(如ASTM®,JOAP和Caterpillar®S•O•S)的要求,提供高度自动化,快速,可靠的油品状态监测结果,是您进行油品分析最理想的选择。
  • OilExpress-4-Duo-1000x1000

    OilExpress 4 DUO

  • OilExpress-4-1000x1000

    OilExpress 4

    OilExpress 4系统采用 ASTM®、JOAP 和Caterpillar® S•O•S等公认的业界标准,确保了高度自动化、迅速而可靠的油品状况监测结果。
  • OilExpress-4-XL-1000x1000

    OilExpress 4 XL

  • Spectrum Two FT-IR Spectrometer

    Spectrum Two 红外光谱仪

    操作简便、功能强大、结构紧凑、坚实耐用—— Spectrum Two是任何地方、任何人都会选择的一款FT-IR光谱仪。全面集成、强大的通用采样功能,适用于便携、无故障测量分析,Spectrum Two是实验室和远程测试环境的理想选择。可放心地开展快速、准确的IR分析,十分适合日常使用,同时也能够确保材料在各类应用中的质量。
  • Silica Analyzer

    Constant exposure to high levels of silica dust, a class 1 human carcinogen adversely affects a miner’s health and future life. Constantly shifting work sites in different geological strata with varying levels of silica make traditional analysis methods ineffective, expensive, labor intensive, and take weeks before exposure data is received.

    PerkinElmer Silica Analyzer enables rapid, on-site and non-destructive quantification of respirable crystalline silica (RCS) deposited on PVC sampling filters. Store all relevant and critical data at a single location through Field Analysis of Silica Tool (FAST) software and share quickly across devices to promptly deal with overexposures.

  • EGA 4000 Evolved Gas Analyzer

    Analytical scientists and technicians working on thermal decompositions, their mechanisms, and detection of residual volatile components in pharmaceuticals, polymers and other applications need deformulation of samples to identify components, understand processes for competitive product investigations, product-failure studies, and quality assurance.

    The PerkinElmer EGA 4000 is the world’s first fully integrated TG-IR (thermogravimetric analysis-infrared spectrometry) system for evolved gas analysis. The unique design of EGA 4000 eliminates issues posed by current generation EGA (evolved gas analysis) systems to offer a simplified TG-IR analysis, accessible to experienced and novice users alike.

    We stand firmly behind our products and now offer a 5 YEAR PARTS ONLY FURNACE WARRANTY* with new instruments.

  • Hand Sanitizer Analyzer

    Hand Sanitizer Analyzer

    Producers & suppliers of alcohol-based hand sanitizers need quality control processes to ensure the safety and efficacy of products. The Hand Sanitizer Analyzer easily determines the composition of alcohol-based hand sanitizers to determine if they meet WHO, USP, or FDA guidelines. The most important parameters to consider are the type and content of alcohol. The content elucidates if the sanitizer will be effective whereas the type will define if it is safe for humans such as ethanol or unsafe, such as methanol. This solution allows detecting the presence of methanol down to 0.03% which is more sensitive than FDA limits. The portable analyzer is based on FT-IR technology allowing anyone to verify the efficacy of sanitizers within seconds.
技术资源 (312)


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  • Application Note (45)
  • Article (2)
  • Brochure (11)
  • Flyer (2)
  • Guide (3)
  • Poster (1)
  • Product Note (2)
  • Specification Sheet (1)
  • Technical Note (2)
  • White Paper (3)

1-25 的 73 技术资源

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