Our robust LC/MS/MS PFAS testing solutions support lab efficiencies with increased uptime from reduced system contamination, even when dealing with complex matrices.
Learn about the PinAAcle 900 Series AA
Learn about the PinAAcle 500 Flame AA
AAS 原子吸收光谱仪
AAS Software
AAS Consumables & Accessories
仪器 PinAAcle 900 Series AA Spectrometers 查看产品
PinAAcle 900 Series AA Spectrometers
仪器 PinAAcle 500 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 查看产品
PinAAcle 500 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
S20系列自动进样器,适用于AA, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, UV/Vis和FL 查看产品
S20系列自动进样器,适用于AA, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, UV/Vis和FL
Syngistix for AA Software 查看产品
Syngistix for AA Software
Syngistix for AA Enhanced Security Software for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance 查看产品
Syngistix for AA Enhanced Security Software for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance